Beach Badge Bonanza

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon we introduced our 21 players, the starter Pokemon from every generation. I showed them the ropes and put them into teams based on their types. Today they will face their first challenge, what will happen? Find out on this episode Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song)

Raichu: Wakey, Wakey campers. Everyone report to the mess hall for breakfast. You better get out of bed or I'm gonna have to use wake-up slap on you.

(At mess hall)

Totodile: That was probably the best sleep of my entire life!

Piplup: No kidding! We have to win this next challenge, I refuse to sleep in a crappy cabin.

Squirtle: Don't worry Piplup, I've got a plan that can lead us to victory. Teamwork.

Froakie: Not trying to be mean but that's a horrible plan. You need to be athletic and mentally prepared.

Squirtle: Well maybe not all of us are as fit as you. (Turns his head)

Mudkip: C'mon guys, this is no time for arguing.

Froakie: (walks away) If anybody needs me, I'll be doing some stretching outside.

Tepig: (to Koffing) Hey, can I have seconds.

Koffing: (gives Tepig more paste) There you go.

Tepig: Thanks! (Walks back over to his table) So... anything good happen while I was gone?

Litten: Dude you were gone for literally fifteen seconds, did you seriously think something noteworthy happened? (Tepig just started at him blankly). Nothing. Nothing happened. (Pauses) This paste is disgusting. (Pushes bowl away from him)

Torchic: Yeah, it's hardly even food.

Chimchar: It doesn't matter, but what does is winning this first challenge!

Charmander: Right, and I've got a great plan on how to do it.

Chimchar: Well hey I also have a plan! (They start to argue a bit)

(At grass table)

Chikorita: Wait really guys? Ash is still ten?

Turtwig: (comes over) I overheard the other teams they all seem really determined to win!

Chespin: Well unlucky for them, so are we!

Snivy: I'd say we have a good chance of winning, but we don't even know what the challenge is!

Raichu: (over the intercom) Well lucky you Snivy, the challenge is about to begin! Everyone please report to the beach.

Bulbasaur: Cool, I love the beach!

Raichu: (laughs) You won't for long! (Continues laughing)

(At the beach)

Raichu: Okay everyone this is your first challenge. First off you will find a case on your team colored mat. You must dig in the sand to find the items that go in the case. What are the items? I'm not gonna tell you.

Rowlet: Well that sounds easy enough.

Raichu: Yeah. It's does, but the catch is there are loads of booby traps hidden in the sand! I promise they will be painful and hilarious. Anywho are you ready teams? Go!

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