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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had a little bit of an unfortunate mishap. After I was captured by a mysterious figure, Koffing had the competitors try and rescue me and they all were no help whatsoever. Luckily, my own niece and nephew, Pichu and Pichuette, rescued me. With no elimination happening, I had a genius idea for a night time challenge which is about to begin. Cuz yeah, that pretty much happened an hour or so ago. So get-

(Theme song)

Raichu: OKAY! Who ever cut me off is sooo fired!!! (Clears throat) Any who guys, you must go spend a night in the woods.

Litten: Easy peasy.

Raichu: Yes, except for some surprises that I have planned. (Laughs as wind howls and thunder strikes)

Squirtle: How is he doing that?

Raichu: Special effects. Okay, let me just make sure everyone's here. (Counts) We're missing Mudkip.

Mudkip: (comes running out) Sorry! I had to, um, pee.

Raichu: Okay? Thanks for sharing... (Blows an airhorn) MOVE CAMPERS MOVE!!! First one to their campsite wins a little advantage.

Charmander: (shoots Flamethrowers at the other teams which distracts them) Come on guys, go go!

Litten: Right behind you! (Team Fire rushes ahead as the other teams stagger behind)

Fennekin: So where are we exactly running to?

Litten: (looks confused) I have no idea.

Charmander: Obviously the center of the forest! Just follow me guys.

Cyndaquil: Well I guess that makes sense.

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Froakie: (comes to a stop) Okay, I think we lost the other team. Let's take a few breaths and then start running again.

Squirtle: Well Froakie, (pants heavily) Not all of us have as much stamina as you.

Froakie: Well maybe you should get off your fat shell and exercise sometimes. (Squirtle looks at Froakie madly)

Mudkip: Okay guys, no need to fight.

Squirtle: I hate Froakie. I know I'm not the most athletic but I'm sertainly not overweight. The nerve of that guy, I'll show him.

Oshawott: Yeah no need to fight. Let's just figure out where we are going first.

Froakie: Oh! No, no Oshawott, (lying) I was just trying to help encourage Squirtle.

Oshawott: Oh, um, okay. (Looks around) Hey, where's Piplup?

Piplup: (screaming) HELP!!! I'm stuck in a pit.

Mudkip: Lucky for you I brought along a safety bag.

Froakie: Oh so you weren't really peeing before. (Everyone stares at him) Wow that was a weird sentence.

Piplup: Um hello? I'm still stuck!

Mudkip: Grab the end! (Throws half the rope down and Piplup grabs it) Now pull! (Everyone helps pull her out)

Piplup: Phew. Thanks guys.

(Somewhere else in the forest, Team Grass is walking along a path)

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