Bewear Of The Dare

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the trusts amongst the campers were tested! We ended up learning that Piplup can't trust Mudkip, Litten can't trust Cyndaquil, and pretty much nobody can trust Snivy. In the end, Team Grass won the majority of challenges so they got the special reward of getting to chose who went bye-bye. However, our sneaky snake blackmailed Chespin and lied to Chikorita and got them to give Fennekin the boot. It wasn't a bad day for her though because she finally got the cat of her dreams to kiss her, Litten. (Takes a deep breath) Phew! That was probably the longest intro yet. But now it's time to get ready for a new episode of Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; Then in spa hotel)

Chespin: So who ended up getting the butler?

Bulbasaur: Nobody did, Raichu said today was Furfrou's day off so...

Chespin: Oh well. We just need to focus on getting rid of Snivy!

Bulbasaur: Yeah he is such a snake! Literally.

Chikorita: (walks in) Good morning guys.

Chespin: Yo what's hap'nin. Wait that sounded stupid. I mean what's popping? That was worse.

Chikorita: How about how's it going?

Chespin: Yeah that'd work. (Smiles)

Chikorita: Good for the most part I guess. Though I'm still feeling bad about eliminating Fennekin yesterday.

Chespin: Yeah same here, but hey it's a game. Everyone has to go sometime.

(In the mess hall)

Koffing: Enjoy the leftover fish scraps campers!

Litten: (frowning) I can't believe Fennekin's gone. I feel like quitting. This game is different without her. It downright bites.

Charmander: Oh come on dude your bros are here for you.

Cyndaquil: Yeah. I'm sad she's gone too but we got to keep going, that's what she would've wanted.

Charmander: And what better way to make you feel better than to get revenge on the grass types.

Litten: Yeah its their fault Fennekin lost. I'm gonna make sure every one of them goes home crying.

(In confessional)
Litten: If you're watching this Fennekin, I want you to know I miss you and I'm gonna win this whole thing for you too!

Mudkip: Piplup for the millionth time I'm sorry about yesterday.

Piplup: Just stop talking okay. My grudge will pass eventually.

Squirtle: (whispers to Mudkip) So what'd Piplup say about booting Froakie next time we lose?

Mudkip: (whispers back) Nothing. She just ignores me.

Squirtle: Guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed.

Froakie: (walks up) So, everything okay guys? (Squirtle glares and Mudkip just ignores)

Piplup: Why wouldn't things be okay?

Froakie: Well-

Raichu: (over the intercom) ALRIGHT CAMPERS! Meet me at the campfire pronto!

Froakie: What? The campfire? It's not even night!

Squirtle: Maybe he decided to boot you because your so annoying Froakie. (Froakie's face becomes really angry)

(In confessional)
Froakie: Well I've got no allies on the team any more and I am not going to be eliminated by that stupid turtle. He's gotta fall first.

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