Team Tower Takedown

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Raichu: Okay guys, I'm keeping this recap short. Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had a booming time with fireworks and a dizzying time jumping off a cliff. In the end of all that madness, Snivy came out on top and since he was immune, that left poor Chikorita to get the catapult ride outta here. Guess we'll never see her again... or will we? Find out right here, right now on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song)

Raichu: (to camera) Hello viewers! As you can see I'm not on that lovely island of ours today. No, I'm at the other island with a deluxe resort! And who is here you may ask?

Tepig: (runs by) Alright! Lunch time! Lunch time! I'm gonna get a steak and burgers and fries.

Chimchar: Careful you don't explode Tepig.

Raichu: That's right, all our loser contestants!

Treecko: Who are you calling a loser? I'd rather be called winner-challenged.

Raichu: Okay, not happening. (Continues walking) Here, our losers get to kick back, relax and have fun until the finale goes down.

Litten: Seriously Raichu, this resort is amazing.

Fennekin: Yeah! Totally beats that crusty camp.

Litten: And an added bonus. Fennekin and I get to hang together. (They kiss)

Raichu: Awe, how sweet. Moving on, in addition to good food, contestants can also chill in the pool. (Froakie backstrokes by as Turtwig swims along. Totodile and Popplio sit at a swim up bar)

Totodile: Another glorious day today huh?

Popplio: Yeah, I'd say its good but it's just a bit to Samur-Hot! (They both laugh)

Totodile: How do you keep coming up with these?

Popplio: Eh, they just come to me.

Froakie: Would you guys keep it down a bit. I'm trying to relax.

Turtwig: Oh come on Froakie, it's fine.

Froakie: No it's not, I should be on the show still. The only good thing is that (loudly) Squirtle lost!

Squirtle: I can hear you!!!

Bulbasaur: Just ignore him. I brought you a juice box.

Squirtle: Hey thanks. (Puts on Squirtle Squad sunglasses and sits in a lounge chair)

Rowlet: Oh Bulbasaur there you are! Wanna come take a swim with me?

Bulbasaur: Um, maybe later. (Rowlet begins to chase Bulbasaur) Oh god no, stay AWAY FROM ME! (Jumps in the pool and splashes Torchic)

Torchic: Gah! Don't splash me Bulbasaur!

Raichu: Okay losers, gather ground the buffet for a special announcement.

(By the buffet table)

Treecko: This better be good.

Torchic: Yeah, I was trying to sun bathe.

Raichu: So hears the dealeo.

Popplio: Do you mean the Sealeo? (High hives Totodile)

Raichu: We are down to six players in the game, and for this next challenge, I need one Pokémon to volunteer to help out one of the final six members.

Chikorita: OOH! I volunteer to be Chespin's partner! I miss him so much!

Fennekin: Haven't you only been here for like a day.

Chikorita: Well yeah, but how did you feel when you were without Litten?

Fennekin: You do have a point. (Kisses Litten)

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