The Rescuers Down Over

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, the contestants had a wonderful time battling! Well not really. Some of them got beat hard and honestly, it was very fun to watch. In the end, Team Grass won and Team Water lost. When all was done, we had to say a sad good-bye to happy-go-lucky Totodile. Think that elimination was shocking? Not compared to today's show! Find out what happens right now on Total Drama Pokemon.

(In the Spa Hotel)

Bulbasaur: Ahh. This is so the life. (Sits down at the table) I mean I couldn't have slept better if I tried.

Treecko: I know what you mean. (There is a moment of awkward silence) So Snivy, how come you let Chikorita have the butler? I nominated you.

Snivy: Well she deserved it. (Whispers to Treecko) I'm just trying to gain her trust. Chespin and Turtwig don't seem to like my winning attitude and we will need allies if we wanna make it far.

Bulbasaur: I think I'm gonna go see how Squirtle is doing. (Leaves)

Treecko: Squirtle seems decent enough. Maybe we should be nice to him and buddy up with Team Water till we hit the merge.

Snivy: You're joking right? We can't make alliances with the other team.

Treecko: Okay fine. (Pauses) So do you know where the others are?

(In the kitchen)

Chikorita: Thanks for teaching me how to make pokeblock Furfrou. I've always wanted to learn this specific recipe.

Chespin: (walks in) You cooking?

Chikorita: Yeah, try some.

Chespin: (takes a bite) Wow! This is actually really tasty!

Chikorita: You think so? I added-

Raichu: (yelling over the intercoms) WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!! It's time for today's challenge! Meet me in the mess hall now!

(at Team Fire as they walk to the mess hall)

Torchic: What do you think we will end up doing today.

Charmander: Don't care, but whatever it is, I'll crush it!

Chimchar: You need to cool down hot head! Or that ego of yours will send you spiraling down in flames.

Charmander: Oh yeah? You're just jealous because I'm stronger than you.

Cyndaquil: Come on guys break it up! If we wanna get into the spa hotel you two need to learn to get along.

Litten: (to Fennekin) Sheesh. Those two sure can fight, right Fennekin? (There is no response) Fennekin? Hey guys, where's Fennekin?

Cyndaquil: Maybe she's already in the mess hall.

(In the mess hall)

Raichu: Okay guys for today's challenge you will-

Litten: Hold on a second, Fennekin isn't here yet.

Mudkip: (looks around) And neither is Oshawott.

Squirtle: That's weird I saw him this morning when I was talking to Bulbasaur. Hey! Bulbasaur's gone too!

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