Cries That Bond

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, Chespin, Oshawott and Litten hunted down the other campers. New friendships were formed, rivalries continued and it was a blast to watch!
Chespin won the first challenge for his team, while Charmander won the second. That left Team Water for elimination but no voting was required. After being torn between Squirtle and Froakie, Oshawott saved them both but injured himself. So he left after a touching good-bye. With nine guys gone already, we are nearing the halfway point but what will happen today? Find out now on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; then in the mess hall)

Squirtle: (to Mudkip) I miss Oshawott. He was always nice but I never realized how golden hearted he was till yesterday.

Mudkip: Yeah, I miss him too.

Squirtle: What a saint.

Piplup: (walks up with Froakie) Well now you know how I felt when Turtwig left.

Mudkip: So you really did care about him.

Piplup: That's not the hot issue right now.

Froakie: Yeah the problem is we lost our numbers advantage, and frankly that was the only advantage we had.

Squirtle: Come on guys, as long as we work as a team we will do-

Froakie: I've been thinking about what Oshawott said Squirtle but I don't see us being friends happening. I just won't reprimand you as much now.

Squirtle: Gee thanks.

(At Team Fire)

Litten: (comes over to the table) Guess what guys? I snuck in Koffing's kitchen and was able to steal some pokebeans he made!

Charmander: Score! Best teammate ever. (Chows down)

Fennekin: Yeah Litten that was very nice of you.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Oops. I shouldn't of said that! He's gonna try to act all macho now.

Litten: Here Fennekin. (Gives her a poke bean he carved in the shape of a heart)

Fennekin: Wow this is the sweetest thing ever.

Litten: I figured it's time I stop pretending to be someone I'm not. (Cyndaquil grins from across the table and gives him a thumbs up)

Cyndaquil: (to Charmander) I'm glad to see our team getting along.

Charmander: Yeah whatever. Are you gonna eat your poke beans?

Cyndaquil: (sighs) Nope. You can have them.

(In the spa hotel)

Chespin: Wow this breakfast seems way better than usual.

Snivy: That's because you got to pick what Furfrou made and I think I speak for all of us when I say nuts in pancakes aren't good.

Chespin: Sheesh. Sorry.

Chikorita: (lying) Um, well I liked it.

Snivy: Then how come you just had one bite.

Chikorita: Um... I'm full.

Bulbasaur: Well that's a statement alright. I wonder what today's challenge will-

Raichu: (over the loud speaker) ATTENTION CAMPERS! Meet me in front of the cabins for today's competish!

Bulbasaur: Guess I'm gonna get my answer. (Everyone leaves while Chespin is staring at Chikorita)

(In confessional)
Chespin: I've been thinking about what Fennekin said and maybe she's right, But I still don't want her to know cuz what if Fennekin is wrong?
(Exits confessional but Snivy peaks around the corner hearing everything he said)

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