Advanced Straining

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, over the river and through the woods, our contestants went! After that, Mewtwo, my old friend who kidnapped me two episodes ago, hunted down the campers like prey. In the end, Charmander and Litten figured out what was going on, epically confronted Mewtwo, and earned immunity for their team. However, despite having the most members, Team Grass lost and Pokémon expert Turtwig was sent packing after a touching goodbye from Piplup. Wow, still am a little shocked that those two of all people ended up becoming friends. That just goes to show you that anything is possible. What kinds of unexpected things will happen today? It's time to find out! Right now, on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; In the spa hotel)

Litten: (approaches Fennekin) Hey, I snagged you a muffin from breakfast.

Fennekin: Awe, you're so sweet. You know, when I first met you I thought you were kinda scary but now your the sweetest guy on the island.

(In confessional)
Litten: Sure Fennekin's awesome and all but I'm a graffiti vandal. I can't let this ruin my tough image even though she is so amazing and... (snaps out of it) She should know we are just friends.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Mom, if your watching start planning my wedding because I think Litten is the one! (Squeals)

Charmander: (takes a bite of sausage) Another day, another glorious win by me.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, that's two challenges in a row for us. And look I'm really sorry about-

Charmander: Yeah, yeah, I know. You apologized like ten times.

Litten: (walks over) Hey dudes, what's happening?

Cyndaquil: Nothing much. Why, what's up with you?

Litten: I was just thinking us guys should hang after today's challenge you know?

Charmander: Um, okay. Yeah. I gotta go get the butler treatment I deserve after doing so good in the last challenge so see you later. (Heads off)

Litten: Um, alright fair enough I guess.

Cyndaquil: Guess he just doesn't want to let any minute of his reward time go to waste.

(At Water Cabin)

Oshawott: (playing cards with Froakie and Squirtle) So Mudkip is still asleep?

Squirtle: Yeah. He needs the rest after how weird he was yesterday. I mean like he needed some sleep to get his calmness back.

Oshawott: And Piplup?

Froakie: Outside moping about Turtwig. I never knew she had a heart.

Squirtle: Everyone does genius.

Froakie: (rolls eyes) I mean I'm surprised she actually cares about someone.

Squirtle: (laughs) Yeah, I know.

(At Team Grass' cabin)

Treecko: (to Snivy) Man am I glad Turtwig is gone. That traitor.

Snivy: Same here, but he isn't the only traitor here.

Treecko: What's that supposed to mean?

Snivy: You ran away from me too!

Treecko: That twerp pulled me away with him.

Snivy: Sure. (Sharply) You're lucky I'm forgiving and wanting to get rid of Chespin or Bulbasaur. Just never do that again.

Bulbasaur: (to Chespin and Chikorita) So what do you think today's challenge is gonna be?

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