A Lil-Leap Of Faith

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, a Pokémon Contest was underway featuring our guest judge Milotic. In the first round, contestants had to whip up some poffins and none were better than Chikorita's. Later on in the game, it went on to contest battling! After a heated battle between Mudkip and Piplup, Piplup was deemed our winner. However, everyone's favorite, and only, snake, Snivy was up to no good. Steeling poffins and blaming it on Litten unfortunately ended up sending Litten packing. We are down to seven, but who will make the final six? Find out on this episode of Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; in spa hotel)

Chikorita: I forgot how good these waffles were! (Continues eating as Piplup walks in)

Piplup: Good morning.

Chikorita: Good morning, and thanks again for inviting me here.

Piplup: No problem. Us gal pals gotta stick together.

(In confessional)
Piplup: I know Chikorita and I aren't the best of friends but I definitely need an alliance if I wanna win. Hey, I made it this far so no holding back now.

Chikorita: Not to bug you but do you mind if I-

Piplup: Ask Chespin to come join us? Sure.

Chikorita: (runs out of the hotel) Chespin!?!?

(In mess hall)

Charmander: That's so unfair! Chespin doesn't deserve to eat in the spa hotel.

Snivy: Life's unfair, just deal with it.

Cyndaquil: I'm just so excited. The final seven!

Mudkip: Yeah, that's pretty good I guess.

Snivy: Well if we wanna go all the way we need to take out the threats.

Mudkip: Like you?

Snivy: What? No! I mean Chikorita and Chespin! They're the closest ones here and think of it, it's a permanent alliance.

Cyndaquil: Well, I guess you do have a point.

Snivy: And think about it. Once one goes...

Charmander: The other will be to depressed to continue and follow. (High fives Snivy) But first, I feel we should get rid of Piplup.

Snivy: Were you not even listening to me? (They begin to argue)

Cyndaquil: Yikes. C'mon Mudkip let's get out here before it gets ugly. (They leave)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Snivy does have a point but no one is as untrustworthy as him. I'd kinda like to vote him off.

Raichu: (over the intercom) Attention punching bags!

Cyndaquil: Does he mean us?

Raichu: (over the intercom) Meet me in front of the arts and crafts center for today's super dangerous challenge!!! And HURRY!!!

(At the arts and crafts center)

Raichu: Alright, looks like we're all here. For today's first challenge, we have a rocket designing contest.

Charmander: Seriously? No offense but that's actually kinda lame.

Raichu: Oh really? (Sets of a rocket that explodes into fireworks of two Pichu faces)

Everyone: Woah!!!

Charmander: I take it back.

Raichu: Thought so. Pichu and Pichuette made that one for me to use on a special occasion. Anyways, the winner of this challenge, which will be judged by me, gets an advantage in part two.

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