A Million Dollar Battle

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the final four was no more as we moved onto final three territory. Having to leave for an awards show, I ended up putting Koffing in charge of the challenge. Mudkip, Chespin, and Cyndaquil all got dumped into the Arctic and had to find their way back to the island. During which, Chespin learned how to fly, Cyndaquil had to fight for his life and Mudkip suffered badly, and I mean badly, from amnesia, and not the special defense raising kind. In the end, everyone was neck a neck as they slid down a slalom to the finish. Cyndaquil arrived first, and Chespin barely took second, which meant we had to say goodbye to Mudkip. Now it's time to focus on today! We have got the most insanely amazing episode planned! Be sure to hold on your seat belts because you don't wanna miss a minute of this, which starts right now, it's the grand finale of Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; in Raichu's place)

Raichu: Yes-sir-ree folks! By the end of this episode one of the two finalist will be a millionaire but who's it gonna be? Your guess is just as good as mine!


Raichu: Ugh. Coming Koffing.

(In front of the cabins)

Chespin: Hey Cyndaquil, why'd you sleep in the cabins? Didn't you win last time.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, but just look at the spa hotel! It's a pile of rubble now remember?

Chespin: Oh yeah, I forgot...

Cyndaquil: What's the matter? You seem kinda nervous.

Chespin: Well duh! We're gonna have to compete for the million today.

Cyndaquil: Guess you do have a point.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I can't believe I'm so close to winning! I feel on top of the world, but then again I also feel a bit nervous. There's a reason Chespin made it this far, so winning won't be easy.

(In confessional)
Chespin: After dealing with Snivy for almost an entire season and surviving these life threatning challenges, I feel like a kinda deserve the money. But I'm sure Cyndaquil won't be so easy to beat.

Raichu: (over intercom) Good morning campers! Meet me at the docks now or you'll just miss your chance at a million big ones

(At the dock)

Chespin: Alright Raichu, what's the final challenge gonna be?

Cyndaquil: I'm sure it's gonna be complicated.

Raichu: Not as tricky as you think guys. Follow me onto the boat and we'll go to the finale location.

Chespin: Did you take down Team Tower to build something else now? (Raichu nods) Figured.

(On the other island; Raichu and the finalists walk into an outdoor battle arena)

Chespin: Cool!

Cyndaquil: Guess it's gonna be a battle. Can't get more classic than that.

Raichu: Indeed you are, Cyndaquil. But before we get started let's bring out everyone who's been on this show!!! (Everyone walks out and takes a seat on the bleachers. Froakie pushes Oshawott who's in a wheelchair) Great to see you all again.

Cyndaquil: Hey guys!

Chespin: Yeah, um, hey!

Chikorita: Chespin! (Runs over to him) I'm so proud of you making it to the finale!

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