Chapter 13: Back to School

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A/N: Wow, two consecutive updates? I must be losing it. Anyways, here's a brand new chapter for you guys.

Box Ghost: And while you all read, I the all powerful Box Ghost, will be keeping the writer company.

Me: Go annoy Danny or something

Box Ghost: Fear me!

Me: *sighs*

Danny's POV

I woke up slowly, my eyes adjusting to the dim light in my room. My cheek still stung from Dan hitting me, even though it was just in my head.

I rose from the bed and swung my legs over the side, running a hand through my hair. I noticed I was still in my ghost form. My clothes were wrinkled and my sides hurt from my belt pressing into them. I stood up and walked into the bathroom.

My personal bathroom might as well been it's own room. The white tiled floors matched the black and white brick walls. A gray counter with porcelain sink rested underneath a large mirror. A small toilet was at the back of the room. The porcelain bathtub was the size of a small pool. Quickly undressing and placing my clothes on the counter, I hopped into a shower, letting the warm water wash over me and clearing my thoughts.

Once I was finished I hopped out and dried myself off with a towel. I reached for my uniform but found it missing. It was no where in sight. I grumbled and wrapped the towel around my waist, I don't know where my uniform was but I'd have to grab a spare from my wardrobe.

I walked out of the bathroom and instantly spotted a maid making my bed. I let out a small squeak of surprise and that caught her attention. Her head instantly whipped around and her green eyes locked with mine.

"Apologies Master Danny, I removed your clothes for them to be washed. A spare set of clothes is in your wardrobe. I do hope that is alright," she said, her voice gentle.

I tried to hide the blush in my face. It was kinda awkward to be half naked in front of some random ghost. "Um, yes.... that's fine. Thank you," I sputtered.

The maid smiled and tried to hide her laugh at my obvious discomfort. She exited the room, leaving me in privacy. I sighed and walked over to the large white wardrobe and pulled out my spare uniform. After quickly pulling it on, I noticed the small black book on the floor of the wardrobe. I picked it up and sat on my bed, smiling. This book held the pictures from my 15th birthday party that was held at the castle. It also had a few pictures from my 16th birthday but I liked the other ones better.

Flipping through the pages I found my favourite picture, the very first one that was taken. Me with my surprised smiling face and my plate of cake, Jazz with her eyes twinkling, Tucker doing a peace sign and Sam holding onto my arm as she flashed a rare smile. I stared at her violet eyes, the way her face looked when she smiled.

Someone knocked on the door. I quickly closed the book and threw it under my pillow. "Come in," I called. The door creaked open to reveal Clockwork, "How did you sleep?" he asked.

My hand rose to my cheek, "Not very well. Dan was in my head."

Clockwork's eyes widened, "What happened?"

I shrugged, "We talked, we fought, he's working with two other people, he's still got bad breath. Nothing too big."

Clockwork frowned, "Danny-"

"I know I know, I should be taking this more seriously. But you know me, I make the best out of things by cracking jokes," I said, giving him a weak smiled.

Clockwork chuckled, "That you do. Speaking of what you should be doing," Clockwork glanced at one of the many watches on his wrist, "You should be heading to school or else you'll be late."

My eyes widened and I bolted out of the room yelling, "I'll get you for that!"


Danny's POV

I flew out of the portal I created, landing me on top of Casper High's roof. I checked my watch, whispering a silent 'yes' as I made it with 10 minutes to spare.

I flew down behind the school and let the two white rings wash over me, returning me to my human form. Combing my fingers through my messy black and white locks, I walked around to the front of the school, where my friends were already waiting.

They waved and walked over to me. "Hey man, what's up?" Tucker asked.

"Yeah, Fright Knight and Clockwork came by saying you were spending the night at the castle. Is something wrong?" Sam questioned.

I bit my lip, should I tell them? I keep enough secrets from them as it is, and this one seemed like it would get out eventually whether I wanted it to or not. Rubbing the back of my neck I told them, "Yeah."

"What is it? You know you can tell us anything right," Sam said her violet eyes full of concern. I smiled at her.

"Yeah. Ok here goes," I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "A prophecy was recently discovered spelling out the end of the Ghost Zone and the 3 people who would cause it."

Tucker and Sam looked a little worried, so I continued, "I am possibly one of those people."

Both my friends gasped.

"And also Dan is free and haunting my dreams." Wow way to ease them into that one Danny.

Looks of pure horror and terror appeared on my friends faces. Their mouths opened and closed, trying to form words. I mentally slapped myself, 'Idiot, you could have done a better job than that'.

"Dan.... is FREE?!" Tucker shouted. I nodded.

Sam managed to find her tongue as well, "This isn't good. Has he hurt you? Where is he now? Does Clockwork know? What has-"

"Sam," I said, stopping her rant. I reached for her hand, "I'm fine. Clockwork knows and he has the situation under control." That last part was a bit of a stretch but it was the only thing I could think of that would slightly calm her down.

Sam frowned, "You young man, are not allowed out of our sight until further notice."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Yes mom," I teased, causing myself to receive a punch to the shoulder.

"Lovebirds," I heard Tucker mutter. We both glared at our friend, but then I noticed I was still holding Sam's hand. I quickly let go and blushed as did Sam. Tucker mumbled something inaudible but I could probably guess what he had said.

The bell for class rang and the three of us walked inside, heading to our first class. Luckily we all had the same first period, English with Mr.Lancer.

"Good morning class, please take your seats quickly and quietly," the overweight teacher droned. I took my seat with Sam sitting on my left and Tucker sitting behind me. I noticed an empty seat on my right.

"Alright everyone we have a new student today and I expect you all to give her a warm welcome into our class," Mr.Lancer said as the door opened.

In walked a beautiful girl with sparkling deep blue eyes and waist-length fiery orange hair. She wore black mascara and had bright red lips. Her face was thin and narrow with her cheek bones greatly accented. She had pale skin and a few freckles on her nose. The girl wore a simple green T-shirt, ripped blue jeans,and black sneakers. A black wrist band rested on her right wrist.

The girl smiled, revealing two rows of perfect white teeth, "Hi everyone, my name is Scarlet."

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed that chapter

Box Ghost: Yes that was very good. Beware!

Me: Beware what?

Box Ghost: The readers

Me: Oh yeah, they're fine (I think). Next update might possibly come tomorrow. See you all in the next one!

Box Ghost: BEWARE!

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