Chapter 42: Lost Souls Returned

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Third Person POV

Jazz, Tucker, Sam, Dani, Clockwork, Serenity, Fright Knight and Dan all exited the portal and flew towards the large castle. Lucky for them, Dan was still unconscious on Fright Knight's shoulder. They hoped he would remain that way until they could find a way to detain him, or at least until Clockwork went back to acting like his normal self and not this love struck version. The Time Master still held his long lost love in his arms as they entered the castle. Once everyone was inside, Clockwork whisked her away to the hospital wing. Tucker and Sam helped the Guardian to the hospital wing as well. Fright Knight took the unconscious Dan away to somewhere he claimed, 'Would keep him contained until Clockwork could deal with him'. That left Jazz and Dani. The two girls made their way to the guest parlor. When they entered the room, they saw that Talia, Nocturne and Scarlet were already in there. There were two cushions on the floor where Talia and Scarlet were sitting and talking, while Nocturne had himself draped across one of the couches, resting. They all jerked to attention when the small group entered.

Scarlet's eyes immediately went to Jazz, the only other human girl who she had grown quite close to. Jazz nodded at her and gave her a small smile. Dani moved to sit on the couch opposite to Nocturne, and Jazz noticed that the little ghost girl was slightly shaking. She moved towards the clone and sat down beside on the couch. "Hey, you okay?" She asked, lightly gripping Dani's shoulder. Dani bit her lip and continued to shake slightly. She wrapped herself in a self hug and leaned into Jazz. She shook her head no. Jazz was growing extremely concerned. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. The older Fenton girl had realized from past experiences with her brother, that demanding to know the answers never helped. It was better to just let Danny come to her than the other way around, and since Danielle was a clone of Danny she hoped the results would be the same.

"V-Vlad." The small girl stuttered. "When we figured out he was the last piece of this messed up puzzle, I was so angry. He has haunted me for so long, I just wanted it to end." Jazz wrapped her arms around the smaller girl, pulling her into a partial hug. Dani continued. "I thought I was strong enough to go back to that place, but I guess not. The second we got there, I was scared. It was only because of Dan I didn't break down then and there. My fear of Vlad was swallowed up at the rush of energy I got from seeing that other fang faced freak." Jazz gently patted Dani's hair, noticing it was still white. Danielle was still in her ghost form. Normally, when she was at the castle she would go into her human form. That was due to her feeling safe enough to allow her guard to slip down. But right now, all she felt was fear. Being in her ghost form made her feel safe and powerful, Jazz realized. 

As the older girl continued to comfort the girl she saw as a sister, Talia gasped. Jazz and Dani split apart and zeroed in on the two girls sitting on the floor. Talia was slowly backing away from Scarlet, who's eyes were glowing bright red. "It's her!" Scarlet shouted, her voice echoing. "It's the ghost. I'm seeing through her eyes!" Nocturne sat up at hearing that. He slowly shuffled closer to Scarlet, though he still remained on the couch. Scarlet groaned, clutching her head. "It's too much! It hurts! Make it stop!" She screamed. Nocturne reached out to Scarlet and placed a starry hand on her head, closing his eyes as he did. Scarlet's screams died down and she took in deep, heavy breaths.

"Tell us what you see." Nocturne urged. 

Scarlet gulped. "I-I see a room. W-With lots of weapons and armor." Scarlet's fingers rose to her temples. "Wait! Now I see an army! Of... Oh my god." The human girl made a gagging noise. Talia rushed off to the side and grabbed a waste bin, bringing it back over to Scarlet. But Scarlet remained strong, she fought through whatever she was currently seeing to cause this reaction and continued to tell them what she saw. "The army is just... They look like zombies. I can hear cheering, and also screaming." Scarlet gasped. "Oh! Now I see the ghost boy you guys were talking about!" Jazz nearly fell off of the couch as she leaned closer to Scarlet. "He looks like he's sleeping. She's just poking her head in the room and checking on him I think. What's she doing now..." The brightly haired girl trailed off and her face instantly went pale. She began to whisper 'No' over and over again, each time she said it her voice increased in volume. Just as she was on the verge of screaming the word, the red glow faded from her eyes and she slumped back against the couch, panting and sweating. Talia held the waste bin out to Scarlet, which the girl accepted. Scarlet heaved into the bin, while Talia soothingly rubbed her back.

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