Chapter 47: Preparations and Goodbyes

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Third Person POV

Nocturne quickly got up from his seat on the couch and began barking orders at the three guards in the parlor with them. He told them to ready the armies, get all the staff into the safe rooms and prepare for a battle worse than the one fought when the original Ghost King ruled. Once given their orders the guards rushed out of the room to put those orders into effect. Sam continued to try and get Fright Knight to snap back to reality, now with the help of the other teens. Meanwhile, Clockwork tended to Talia. He made sure she was comfortable and that the wound on her cheek wasn't serious before he headed to the open doors of the parlor. Nocturne noticed Clockwork leaving, "Where are you going Clockwork? This is an emergency! We need to call upon our allies!" He exclaimed.

The Time Master shook his head, "There will be no need for that. We wouldn't want any more blood on the battlefield would we? No we wouldn't." 

Immediate concern showed up on everyone's face as they realized that Clockwork had just answered his own question. Nocturne slowly made his way over to the Time Master, "Clockwork?" He began, "Is it-"

"No, not yet." Clockwork interrupted. He floated in the doors of the entrance to the parlor, all eyes on his back. "Call off the army." He said over his shoulder, "We won't be needing them." With that, Clockwork floated out of the room and disappeared into the depths of the castle. 

Fright Knight's eyes widened and he stood up straight. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. "We must trust the Time Master's words." He stated causing shocked reactions from all in the room, aside from the unconscious Talia. "He has never lead us astray before, why would he do so now? I'll call off the army and make sure everyone gets to safety." Fright Knight added. He turned to the four teens standing behind, receiving stern looks from them all. He chuckled, "I'm assuming this means I can't ask you to get somewhere safe either?" 

Tucker raised an eyebrow, "Dude, there is no way we're staying out of this fight." The others nodded in agreement.

"Besides," Sam added, "with Clockwork having you call off the army, you're going to need all the help you can get."

Nocturne frowned, "But none of you are even armed and I doubt you will be able to use ghost weapons."

In response the three human teens all pulled out a green bag the size of their hands. They each reached inside their own individual bags and pulled out miniature assorted Fenton weapons. Each teen had a Fenton Specter Deflector and a Fenton Ghost Peeler. On each weapon rested a small, glowing red button. The teens pressed the buttons and the weapons grew to their normal sizes. The two ghosts looked on in shock before Jazz explained, "Something new Tucker designed. The weapons can almost act like they were shrunk by the Fenton Crammer and then return to normal size with a few side-effects."

"Yeah, like the fact that after being 'un-shrunk' they can't be used for at least ten minutes." Sam added.

Tucker shrugged as he fitted himself with the deflector and the peeler. The other girls followed in his example and Dani readied her powers. Fright Knight lead the way out of the parlor and Dani noticed Nocturne slowly following after them, carrying the still unconscious Talia. She turned to the large spirit, "Are you sure you're ready for a battle Nocturne? Your injuries don't look to be fully healed yet." 

Nocturne glanced at his agitated wounds and nodded his horned head, "I am ready. I have been sitting around for too long. This old spirit needs some action." He hissed in pain as he moved one of his arms the wrong way as he held the small ghost girl and Dani rushed to his aid, only for him to hold up a hand to stop her. "No," he stated, "I will not be coddled any longer. I am an Elder Spirit. I can handle myself." Dani raised an eyebrow at the spirit and went over to help him anyways. What can she say? Stubbornness was in her genes.

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