Chapter 7- Lunch

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-Tyler's POV-

Troye walked out of my room and into the bathroom, standing in the doorway watching me style my hair.

"Hurry up bitch, i need the mirror."

"Rude." i smirked, touching my hair up and pecking him on the lips. "It takes time to look this good, you know." I winked and struck a pose, one hand on my hip, the other in the air.

"Oh, i know. You look awful before you sort yourself out." Troye smirked at me and my mouth gaped.

"No more kisses for you then!" i brushed past him and he grabbed my arm, stealing a kiss. I rolled my eyes, giggling. This was perfect. Troye Sivan loved me. I never thought this would happen in my life. Ever since i saw his first video, i was in love, and slightly obsessed. I never dreamed that me and Troye would be together, and now it was happening. I sat on the bed, pulling my shoes on and lacing them up. I lifted my head. Troye was standing there, looking perfect as ever, smiling at me. I stood up and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"So.. Troye.."

"Mhm?" He muttered. I pulled out of the hug and rested my hands on his shoulders, looking into his eyes.

"Will you.. Be my boyfriend..?" I started out confidently, but as i got to the fourth word it turned into a whisper. I was so nervous. What if he rejected me? What if i ruined our friendship? I look at Troye's face. He was smiling, the biggest smile i'd ever seen.

"Of course i will!" He shouted excitedly and pushed his lips into mine, still smiling. I grinned and kissed him back. Thank God.

-Troye's POV-

Oh my God. Tyler, fucking, Oakley, just asked me to be his boyfriend. Of course i said yes, i'd been waiting for this moment my whole life. Well, at least it seemed that long. I was his, and he was mine. I couldn't stop smiling, even as i kissed him. I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I've been waiting for you to ask me that for too long." i whispered in his ear and i felt him smile. He pulled away, still grinning.

"Come on, you twink. We're meeting Joey and Sawyer for lunch." i rolled my eyes at him, following him out the door.


After we picked my stuff up from the hotel and met Joey and Sawyer, we decided to go to Taco Bell, after much discussion.

"WE'RE GOING TO TACO BELL!" Tyler had half sung, half shouted. And lf course, we all agreed, you don't want to mess with Tyler and his food. I then told Tyler that we didn't have Taco Bell in Australia, to which he stared at me, mouth gaping. I shrugged and giggled.

By the time we arrived it was about 1pm, and we were all starving. We found a table of four and sat down, me next to Tyler and Joey and Sawyer opposite us. We started talking about VidCon that was coming up soon and Sawyer's new short film, when Sawyer decided to perk up and say, "So are you guys dating yet?" Tyler almost choked on his drink and my face turned pink. Joey laughed.

"I'd take that as a yes then, Sawyer." He smirked and raised his eyebrows at us.

"Fine, we are but we haven't told anyone yet, so shut your mouths!" Tyler said, firmly but smiling slightly. After them congratulating us, our food arrived. We started eating and chatting when i felt Tyler's hand on my thigh. I jumped slightly and Joey looked at me quizzically. I just shrugged it off and glared at Tyler from the corner of my eye, watching him smirk. I tried to shuffle away from him slightly but he held onto my leg, moving his hand higher. I bit my lip and carried on talking to Joey, getting a few confused looks from him. I pulled my lips into a tight smile and tried to ignore what was happening below the table. Tyler's hand trailed higher, running his finger over my crotch delicately. I whimpered slightly and quickly came up with the excuse of it being a hiccup. My pants were getting tighter and i didn't particularly want to get a hard-on in the middle of Taco Bell. Finally, Sawyer finished eating and i quickly said that i was feeling a bit sick and it would be good if we could get back.

"Oh, are you sure? You might have just eaten too much." Tyler smirked.

"No, i dont feel well, please can we get back?" I pleaded. Luckily Joey and Sawyer said it was fine as they needed to film a video for this afternoon anyway.

We made our way to the car and although me pulling my t-shirt down over my crotch probably wasn't very discreet, i'd rather them not notice what was happening in my pants.

Tyler dropped Sawyer and Joey off and we said our goodbye's, getting back in the car.

"I'm actually going to kill you, Tyler Oakley." I glared at him with my hands in my lap, attempting to cover up. He laughed at me.

"I dont know what you're talking about, Troye." He said innocently and winked at me. I swear to God, i was going to kill him when we got back.


*Author's note*

So yeah. That happened. I know its a bit cliché and basically ALL the troyler fanfics have got the restaurant scene but i love it! Anyway, I'm not sure I'm going to do a smut scene next as ive never written one before and im totally shitting it. If i do, i dont think it will be full on sex but it depends how I'm feeling. Please review! :) x

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