Chapter 21- Boyfriend tag

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-Troye's POV-

My eyes flutter open and i glance to my right and smile. I gently straddle Tyler's lap and kiss his cheek but he doesn't stir. I roll my eyes and pepper kisses all over his face. He groans, swatting my face away and i giggle.

"Trooyyee.. Stop itt.." He mumbles, eyes still closed.

"Come on Tyler, its like, 11 o'clock." He ignores me and turns his face away. I raise an eyebrow. "Tyler. Wake up or I'll do this.." I grind my hips against Tyler's slowly, watching the blush rise in his cheeks. His eyes snap open and he groans pushing me over and hovering over the top of me. He glares at me before pecking my lips.

"What is it with you and making me horny?" I scrunch my face up and turn my head away. "What?"

"Dont say that word." I open my eyes, my nose still scrunched up.

"What? Horny?" He smirks.

"Ew. Yes." I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Why not?"

"That word, its just.." I shudder. Tyler laughs at me and kisses my nose.

"What other words dont you like? Just for future reference." He giggles.

"Um.. Puberty, period, schlong." Tyler bursts out laughing, falling off of me and holding his stomach.

"Oh my God.. Schlong?? What even is that??"

"You've never heard that before?" He shakes his head, a smile still playing on his lips. "Its like, a really big dick." He laughs again.

"I have honestly never heard that before. But i will use it from now on.." He pokes his tongue out and winks at me. I roll my eyes at him and smile.

"Please don't."

"Or what?" He raises his eyebrows at me.

"Or you'll never get any kisses. Ever." I wink at him.

"Well. I guess I'm never using the word schlong." He smiles and kisses my lips. A gentle, full of love kiss. I pull away and stand up, turning around to find some clothes. I hear a tiny moan escape from Tyler's mouth and i smirk, picking some clothes from my wardrobe.

"I know you're staring at my arse, Tyler." He gasps and i turn around. His jaw is dropped and there's a small blush on his cheeks.

"How did you know..?" He asks, his eyes trailing down from my face to below my waist. I blush and pull some boxers on, watching him pout. I giggle.

"Because. I just do." He rolls his eyes and stands up, pulling a pair of boxers on quickly, much to my dismay. He raises his eyebrows at me.

"If i don't get to look, neither do you." He smirks and i huff, pulling my jeans and a plain black t-shirt on.

We both get dressed and ready, finally deciding on what to do today. Neither of us wanted to go out so we decided to film a video.

"Should we do the boyfriend tag..?" I ask timidly.

"Do you know enough about me?" Tyler winks at me. I roll me eyes.

"Please. I basically stalked you for 3 years of-" I stop, quickly realising what just tumbled out of my mouth. I feel my face heat up as i look down at the ground. Tyler giggles.

"Oh, stalked me, huh?" He smirks, pulling me closer to him by my hips.

"Shut up." I grumble and he lifts my chin up, kissing me. He smiles and i go weak at the knees. No matter how many times i see Tyler's smiles, it will always make me feel like I'm going to faint.

"Lets get this video started, yeah?" Tyler drags me to my bed.

-Tyler's POV-

"What colour are Troye's eyes?" Troye slaps his hand over his face and i giggle. "Grey. Like, grey blue."

"Ding ding ding!" Troye shouts and removes his hand from his face. I look at his eyes, just to check. They really are a beautiful colour, even though theyre only a really light blue/grey. I just get lost in them.

"Who is Tyler's celebrity crush?" Troye snorts sarcastically. "Darren Criss. Obviously. Seriously guys, pick some harder questions." I laugh.

"He's not as cute as you though, boo, dont worry." I wink and kiss Troye's cheek. He blushes and giggles.

"Everyone's ovaries just exploded." I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"What is Troye's mom's name? Well, considering I'm staying at her house at the moment.." I roll my eyes and smile. "Laurelle."

"How old is Tyler?" Troye laughs. "Hes an old man." My jaw drops and i smack his arm.

"How dare you!" I go to slap Troye again but he moves out of the way quickly. "As if its not bad enough that im older than you.." I pout.

"I'm kidding.. Hes 24. That's not even bad, its like 6 years." He rolls his eyes and kisses my pout. "I am a grown man. I am legal. And.. Yeah." Troye giggles and i smile.

"Ooh wait, i have one for you. From best to worst, even though there is no worst, who do i like most from One Direction? Does that make sense?"

"You mean who would you fuck first in order?" Troye raises his eyebrows and i giggle nervously.


"Um.. Zayn, Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry?"

"No! You got Louis and Liam round the wrong way!" I shout. "I'm dissapointed in you, Troye." I poke my tongue out at him.

"You're wrong anyway. It goes, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Louis, Liam." (AN: My order :P)

I tut at him and roll my eyes.


"Whatever bitch!" He shouts. I smile. "Its my turn now." I read through the tweets and laugh out loud. "Yes. This one. Quote a 'Sit on my face' from Tyler's video." I raise my eyebrows at him and he laughs. He rests his finger on his chin, looking up.

"Sit the fuck on my face like I'm a motherfuckin high slide at a pool and you're ready to go down all wet and wild.." He laughs and blushes.

"Oh yeah that was a good one." I laugh and wink at him, his blush deepening.

We answer a few more questions and finish the video. It takes us about 3 hours to edit it and upload. We decide to put it on my channel and film another one for Troye's channel soon. We dont really do anything for the rest of the day apart from laugh at the tweets from our fans

'#TROYLERFORLIFE' 'When are you getting married?' 'Have gaybies. Now.'

I'm so glad our fans support us.

*Author's note*

Sorry that:

I haven't updated recently.

These ANs are longer than the story lately.

My chapters are shit.

If you're American or Australian and you've never heard the word 'schlong' before.

If any of the words i used make you cringe as much as they do me.

I'm a complete bitch.

So rant ahead. To be honest i really dont know whether to carry this story on or not because i feel like its going nowhere. I know my last chapter was a piece of shit and i could do so much better but i felt kinda pressured to write since i (and lots of other people) wanted smut. I'm not blaming it on any of my readers as i wanted to write it but i cringe when i read it back. God, its awful. Anyway, i dont really know how to add drama into this story without depressing myself further and i feel it needs it to continue. What do you think? Sorry about my rant but ive totally lacked motivation lately cos i just.. Ugh. That. But yeah, please review as i need them at the moment and I'll leave you with a text vagina: {( )}

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