Chapter 18- Surfing

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-Tyler's POV-

"TYLER, WAKE UP!" I jolt awake to see Troye inches from my face, smirking. I groan and close my eyes again.

"You're so mean to me.." I grumble and Troye chuckles, pushing my glasses on my face. I giggle and straighten them out, sitting up slightly.

"I wanna go surfing..!" He sticks his bottom lip out and crosses his arms, sulking. I smile and kiss him gently. I go to pull away but he wraps his hand around the back of my neck and pulls my face closer to his. I smirk and Troye pushes his tongue into my mouth, running it over my own. He wraps his legs around my waist, straddling me. He sucks my tongue lightly and i reach up to run my hands through his hair. I pull away and smile, his eyes darken and he pulls my face back towards his, slamming his lips against mine. I gasp quietly at the roughness of the kiss, but quickly respond, exploring his mouth with my tongue. I grab at his hair harder and he bites my bottom lip, causing a moan to slip from my mouth. He smiles and pulls away, keeping his eyes locked with mine. A sly smirk spreads across Troye's face and i raise my eyebrow at him. He raises his eyebrows and bites his lip seductively. I groan and practically smash my face against his, kissing him roughly. He grins and pushes my chest, pulling away from my lips. I whimper and he smiles, starting to kiss along my jawline, trailing kisses down my neck and chest. I moan lightly as he kisses down to my waistline and looks up at me. I give him a pleading look and he giggles, standing up straight and walking towards the door. He smiles and winks at me.

"Get dressed babe, we're going to the beach." He walks out of the door and closes it behind him, leaving me in bed. Alone.

-Troye's POV-

I giggle to myself as i close the door behind me. I love teasing Tyler, although it always ends up with him getting me back.

I skip downstairs to see Sage in the kitchen, buttering toast.

"Hey Troye. You look happy." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I'm always happy as long as i wake up next to Tyler." I blush.

"Awww. You're so sweet." She turns and walks to the living room. I grab and apple from the fruit bowl, following her. I slump down next to her and rest my head on her shoulder, smiling.

"What are you two doing today? I think we're all going to the cinema or something if you wanna come."

"We're going to the beach, I'm teaching Tyler to surf." I smirk and she giggles quietly. I'm guessing she's got the image of Tyler falling off a surfboard in her head, because i certainly have.

"Oh, okay then. Have fun." She hugs me and i stand up, throwing the apple core in the bin before traveling up the stairs. I stand outside my room, listening to Tyler mumbling to himself about finding his shorts. I smile and open the door. Tyler looks up from his suitcase and glares at me, standing up straight. I laugh and walk over, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Aw, you're not going to stay mad at me forever, are you?"

"Not forever. But i will get you back, Sivan." I giggle. He always calls me that when he's mad at me, but im sure he'll get over it. He turns around to face me and pecks my lips, smiling as he pulls away. He pulls a pair of floral shorts and a light blue t-shirt on and shoves 2 towels into a bag. "You know I'm really nervous about this, right?" He sighs, sitting on the bed. I walk over and sit next to him. Tyler rests his head on my shoulder and i kiss the top of his head.

"Why? I'm a great teacher and even i fall off the board sometimes. Dont worry about it, boo." He smiles and lifts his head up to kiss my lips. "Come on then! Lets go!" I jump up and grab his hand, pulling him all the way to the front door.

"Bye Sage!" Tyler shouts.

"See you later, Hun!" She replies from the kitchen.

- - - - - - - -

We arrive at the beach about ten minutes later and get the surfboards from my parents small beach hut, putting our bags inside. They've had it for a couple of years now, as we all go surfing every now and again. Its not too busy today, there are only about 10 people on the beach, despite the fact its a warm day.

I grab Tyler's hand again and pull him into the water. Its a really warm day today, as usual, but its nice to be in the water. Tyler looks really nervous. I giggle at him and peck his lips, giving him a reassuring smile.

"The waves aren't too rough today, you'll be fine!" I lay on the surfboard and tell Tyler to do the same. He makes over-the-top groaning sounds as he manoeuvre's himself onto the board. I laugh at him and he huffs, resting his head on his hands.

"Are we done now?" I roll my eyes at him and he smiles. I go through the basics, how to paddle into the wave, making sure he's got the rope around his ankle, etc. I see a moderate sized wave coming up and tell him to go for this one. We both succeed in riding it and i wink at Tyler, standing up on my board. He frowns at me and tries to stand up, failing miserably. He stands for about a millisecond, before toppling off backwards into the clear water. He swims to the top, gasping as he comes up. I bite my lip trying to keep a straight face but fail, doubling over in laughter. Tyler doesn't look amused. He raises his eyebrows at me, pushing his fringe out of his face. I wade over to him and smile.

"You tried.." I smirk.

"Fuck you!" Tyler slaps my arm and laughs, kissing my lips.

We surf, or try to surf in Tyler's case, for about an hour before deciding to head home. Tyler didn't do too bad for his time, he managed to stand up riding a wave which he was very proud of. Although, he did pout and sulk every time he fell off. This boy is just too cute.

We arrive home and both collapse on my bed, exhausted. Tyler turns to face me and smiles sleepily.

"Thank you for today. You really are the best boyfriend." I smile and kiss his lips.

"Right back at you, babe."

*Author's note*

Sorry i haven't updated recently, obviously its been Christmas and shit so.. Ive been busy. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter cos i really dont have a plan with this story, im just going with the flow haha. Oh, and the other day Korey Kuhl favourited my tweet so, yay, happy times! Also, ive just realised im as addicted to wattpad as i am to youtube and twitter so yeah. Thanks for that, guys. Oh, and PS. I dont know how to surf so, sorry if i got the terms wrong or that's not how you do it or whatever haha. Please review and vote! x

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