Chapter 22- America

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-Tyler's POV-

We were finally in the taxi on our way back to my apartment. We had stayed in Australia for a couple of weeks and decided to come home, as neither of us were really getting any videos made and such. Troye's mom cried, because both of us were leaving, whispering to me that "She couldn't have asked for a better son-in-law" and that i have to look after him. I love Troye's family, and im so happy that they accepted me into their family. Me and Troye have only been together for a few months but it feels like a lot longer. I know we were friends before we were dating but it feels like we've been together forever, only a few years away from being an old couple, knitting in our rocking chairs on the front porch. I shudder at the thought. I never want to get old. At least I'll have Troye. Well.. I hope i still have Troye.  

I feel Troye squeeze my hand and rub my thumb with his, tearing me away from my deep thought. I turn my face to him and smile. Its like he can read my mind or something. He returns ny smile and pecks my lips, giggling as he pulls back. 

"What are you giggling for, weirdo?" I tease and he chuckles a little before replying. 

"Your kisses make me happy."  

"Then i shall kiss you forever, fair maiden." I reply, trying to put on an English accent. Troye bursts out laughing and i raise an eyebrow at him. He finally recovers and manages to hiccup a reply. 

"F-Fine, as long as you never do that accent again. That w-was awful." He chokes out, through giggles. I roll my eyes at him just as we pull up outside my apartment. I thank the taxi driver and pay him while Troye gets our bags and carries them to the door. I hurry over and take one from his arms before he collapses, chuckling lightly. 

"Shut up." He glares at me and i shrug innocently. 

"Aw boo, you're so strong, look at those muscles." I poke his skinny arm and he slaps my hand away, trying to hold back a smile. 

"Just- Open the door." He glares playfully at me. I fish my keys put of my back pocket and unlock the door to my apartment, dropping our bags in the doorway and walking through to collapse on my bed. I hear footsteps coming towards me and Troye giggling. Just as im about to ask what's funny and why its funny enough to interrupt me from my rest, i feel Troye jump onto my back, wrapping his legs and arms around me. I groan and try to nudge him off but he keeps his death grip on my torso, still giggling quietly. 

"Troyyyeee.. Fuck off..." I groan out and hear him mock gasp. 

"Well that's rude." 

"You may be skinny but you're still heavy. And I'm jetlagged, i just want to sleeeepp.." I mumble and he huffs, rolling off to collapse beside me. He kisses my cheek and smiles. 

"Night Tyler." He whispers and cuddles up to me as my eyes close.

- - - - - - - -

-Troye's POV-

I awoke to voices in the living room. What the fuck? I reach my hand over to Tyler's side to feel nothing but cold sheets. My brow furrows and I sit up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed to trudge into the living room. I hear Tyler's obnoxious laughter as I enter the room, raising my eyebrows at the scene. Tyler is red faced from laughing, his arm around a guy's shoulders. The other guy is laughing too but I cant see his face, I can tell from the way his shoulders are shaking. Before I can process my thoughts Tyler jumps up and rushes over to me, pecking my lips quickly.

"Troye! You were asleep for ages! Korey's here."

Korey. I have no reason to hate him. I just do. He seems like a really good friend to Tyler, and I appreciate that, but I don't like him. Maybe its the way he gets too close to Tyler when they're talking, or the fact that he knows more about my own boyfriend than I do, or the fact that they used to date. I guess you could say im jealous.

"Hey Troye!" I plaster a fake smile on my face and head over to sit down next to Tyler.

"Hey Korey."

*Author's note*

IM SORRY PLEASE DONT KILL ME! I knowww its extremely short for how long ive been away and I knowww I'm a bitch and i really dont have any excuse apart from the fact i have no motivation. Is there such a thing as permanent writers block? Cos i think i have that. And the fact that my friends made me fall in love with One Direction and im so obsessed with them and 1D fanfics you don't even know. Niall is mine everyone. Just saying. So yeah. My chapters are shit, i need drama and Niall makes my soul melt. So my lack of motivation im blaming on the boys, go kill them. But don't. Also, I was thinking of starting a new fic, a one direction one obviously, I was thinking a narry one but im not too sure yet. I kinda have an idea. Please review and vote!

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