Chapter 6- The morning

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-Tyler's POV-

My eyes fluttered open and i squinted against the bright light streaming through the gap in my curtains. I looked up at my One Direction posters surrounding my bed and realised that i wasn't alone. I moved my head slightly to look up at Troye's face. And then i remembered. I had kissed him last night. Why did i kiss him? What if he doesn't like me back? But then again, i guess he wouldn't have slept in the same bed as me. I smirked and checked the time on my phone. 11am. I lifted my head up and kissed Troye's cheek gently, watching him stir. His eyes opened slowly and looked down at me. I could almost see the wheels turning in his brain, trying to remember where he was. And then he smiled at me.

"Morning." My heart skipped a beat. His morning voice was so sexy. He rubbed his eyes and i sat up and stretched, resting my back against the headboard.

"Morning, sexy" i winked. Troye blushed and smiled sheepishly, pecking my lips. Just as he was about to pull away i grabbed his cheek gently and deepened the kiss. I could feel Troye's face heating up, obviously blushing again. This kiss was different from our first, but it was still just as good. I licked his lip gently and he smirked, denying me entrance. I groaned quietly, annoyed. I gently trailed my hand up his thigh and i felt his breathing hitch. We continued kissing as i moved my hand up higher, gently running my finger over his crotch, making him gasp. I pushed my tongue in his mouth gently and giggled, i always win. I ran my tongue over Troye's, his lips were so soft and his mouth was perfect for mine. I pulled away, no longer able to hold my breath. I looked at his face and laughed. He looked drunk and his face was a deep scarlet colour. He snapped out of his day dream and looked at me, realising i was laughing.

"Shut up.." He punched my arm lightly

"Well, you obviously didn't like that kiss then." i feigned hurt and crossed my arms, looking away from him. Troye turned my chin towards him and kissed me again.

"Trust me, i did" He smiled and i blushed.

"Well anyways.. I'm gonna get dressed."


"Because i want to go out and show you LA!" I shouted excitedly, getting up and watching Troye's eyes glide down to my waist. I rolled my eyes at him and smirked, "Dont worry, Troye, I'll be getting changed in the bathroom." i winked and he pouted slightly, before giggling. His giggle was like heaven. I picked out some clothes and walked to the bathroom, hearing Troye groan behind me. I knew he hated mornings and i smiled to myself. I'm such a bitch. But i wanted to show him off! Even if he wasn't officially mine yet, i planned to make him mine.


*Author's note*

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short but i was feeling especially fluffy tonight and im drawing a bit of a blank with what should happen next. And i cant really tell how long the chapters are on my phone, my laptops deciding to be a bitch :/. Argh, the hardship! Haha anyway, if im feeling creative i might upload two chapters tomorrow, cos this one was so short. Remember to comment, byeee x

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