Chapter 12

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~Pamela POV ~

I boarded the plane and put my luggage up above me. The plane was packed with different people this was my first time on a plane and I was very nervous. Planes have crashed plenty of times but I was trying not to think the worse. I layed back and relaxed as the plane took off. I looked out the window to the ground. Everything appearded smaller the higher we got.

Goodbye Atlanta.

~ Shonda POV ~




I tossed and turned trying to ignore the knocking but it only continued and got louder.

"Go, get the door I don't feel like getting up ." I told Calvin.

"Bae, I don't feel like it either hell just go to sleep they'll go away ."

"No, they won't you still hear it don't you ?"

"Yea, ugh I guess. I'll be right back shit ."

I smiled as he got of bed. I knew he was gone get it cause I be damned if I get up its *checks time* 8:30 a.m. I heard talking downstairs. It sounded like a women hmmm.. who the hell is it I wondered.

"Come here !" Calvin shouted.

I threw my rope on and slipped my feet inside of my slippers. I walked downstairs only to see my long lost mother with 3 big luggage bags. I stood there just looking at her I didn't know whether to hug her, cuss her out or what.

~ Keyshia POV ~

I stretched and yawned as I got up to get ready for school. It was Friday and I was ready for school to start and end so I can begin my weekend. I turned the shower water on hot and added a little cold water to it. A perfect way to start my day, a warm shower. I let the water run down on me as I stood under the shower head.

I let my hair get wet so I could wear it curly and plus Keshaun likes it like that. I got out and looked through my closet trying to decide on what to wear. I pulled out some orange tights with a brown and black blouse with some long brown high heel boots. I applied my make up on then put my clothes on.


C'mon class it's boring as hell in here. And im hungry as hell this is a bad combination. I snapped a picture of me and put it on instagram with hashtags that said #BoredAndHungry #Fuck #This #Class. I slid my phone back inside of my purse as the teacher made his way to the back of the classroom.

The bell rung and everyone made there way out of the class. I walked to the cafeteria looking for Havyn and Keshaun. Havyn and Trey made there way over to me holding hands. I smiled to myself cause that's how Keshaun and I be.

"Hey !" Havyn said then gave me a hug.

"Hey !"

"Sup Keish ?"

"Hey Trey, have yall seen Keshaun ?"

"Yea, he went to go get something to eat for yall he should be on his way back though. " Trey said.

"There he go !"  I exclaimed.

"Wassup bae, I got us some Chipotle ." Keshaun smiled then handed me my bowl.

He is the best I love Chipotle and he know it. I haven't had them in a long time the little things he do makes me happy. Can you say best boyfriend ever ?


I pulled my school clothes off and put on a maxi skirt with a little hot pink shirt. I put my make up on and got my phone to call Havyn.

*Phone convo*

"You ready ?" I asked as soon as she answered.

"Yea, my home girl Cennea coming too she gone meet us up there though ."

"Last name ?"

"Rivera ."

I thought about the name cause she sounded familiar real familiar.

"I think I know her but im on my way ." I told her and with that we hung up.


"That bitch is taaackkyy !" Cennea said laughing real hard.

"Forreal, her hair though !" I said out loud on purpose.

"Her sew in is all messed up and look at her weave its nappy and dry looking !" Cennea was in tears now.

We were all laughing extra hard Havyn didn't even have anything to say cause she could barley breathe and was turning red.

"Got damn im too threw ." Havyn said coughing.

"Cennea what's your mama name ?"

"Natalie Rivera ."

I was stunned when she said that name. Her mama and my mama are sisters but I stopped seeing her cause they stopped visiting. I always thought her mom and mine had to fall out over something. We were all pretty close but never figured out what is was over though.

"My mama is Pamela !" I shouted laughing.

"Bro, I feel stupid I remember you now ." Cennea said.

Cennea and I switched numbers then Havyn and I were on our way home. I bought two pair of shoes at the mall. I was satisfied. I reunited with my lil ol Puerto Rican and Indian cousin. Today was a good day. No wonderful day.

~ Omniscient POV ~

"This the plan we gone take something or somebody away close from him and show him who running things Southside nigga ." I told my crew.

"We need to find some more info about GM though boss ."

"Well John you do the shit you in GM and don't think about turning yo back nigga or else you dead ." I informed him.

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