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Percy's POV

I IMed my parents' house... but now without Annabeth and to talk to Paul more than anyone else. I recited the proper incantation and sure enough, my step dad appeared in the rainbow in front of me. He was sitting at his desk grading papers.

"Hey Paul!"

He looked up. "Hi Percy! How's camp? How's Annabeth?"

I smiled. It wasn't going to be a problem with Mom and Paul if I proposed to Annabeth. Sometimes I think they love her more than me.

"Everything is great! This summer we're doing this new thing..." I explained to him about the Summer of the Heroes event and how awesome it was. He was a good audience all the time anyway, but I think he really was interested.

"But I actually called because I have something to ask you... When is it appropriate for a couple to get married?" I asked sheepishly, probably turning red.

"Well..." he started slyly, looking at me over top of his glasses and smirking. "I think the couple should use their best judgement and decide for themselves. If they're both certain that they are ready to get married, if they love each other that much and whatnot, then I think they can get married whenever they want. But they should also ask around and get opinions to factor into the decision... but not too much, of course! Their relationship, their decision, but permission never hurts." He said the last part with a look on his face that reminded me about the night of my fifteenth birthday, when he asked me if he could marry my mom.

I smiled. "Okay, then. I have another question: is it alright for me to ask Annabeth to get married?" I stumbled over my words slightly, but Paul knew exactly what I was saying.

"I think that would definitely be alright," he responded, happiness shining in his eyes. He was a pretty awesome step dad. "But I'm probably not the most important to ask."

I was jumping with joy internally, but I still sighed. "Unfortunately, I know you're right. Also unfortunately, you are definitely not the hardest to ask."

He chuckled. "Good luck, son," he said, still smiling. "Oh, and I won't say anything to your mom about this conversation."

"Thanks for everything, Paul," I said sincerely just as the rainbow began to fade.

I turned around to find another drachma, but instead I was blinded by a white light. When I could finally see again, a man and woman were standing in my cabin. The man had dark hair and green eyes just like mine. He was dressed in a loud shirt, his typical shorts, and sandals. His expression was neutral. The woman had long blond hair and the old Greek-styled dress on. She was beautiful, but her stare was very intimidating. It made me want to back up against the wall and scream "Please don't incinerate me!" but I didn't.

I opened my mouth to say something but Athena cut me off. "I have heard you are wanting to propose to my daughter, am I correct?" It was technically a question but they way she said made it clear I was not to correct her.

"Um, yeah, about that-" but I was cut off again, but by Poseidon this time.

"Son, are you sure you want to do this? I know you've been dating-"

"Oh please, you don't know anything, Barnacle Beard. You-"

"AS I WAS SAYING," he started again, trying to overpower her, "you two have been together for a very long time but are you sure about this? As far as mortals go, marriage is pretty permanent," he finally finished.

I looked over at Athena but she didn't say anything, so I took a deep breath and said, "Yeah, I'm sure. I love Annabeth more than anything else and I would do absolutely anything, anything, for her. And I know she feels the same way. So if it's alright with you two-" I didn't say that I was probably going to do it anyway even if it wasn't alright with them "-then yes, I plan on proposing soon."

Both gods stared at me. Finally Athena spoke. "If I did not approve of your relationship, I would have already broke it up. But know this, Perseus Jackson. Be careful with your decision."

I didn't know what she meant, but before I could ask, my dad winked at me and in another flash of light, they were both gone.

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