Chapter 7

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I quietly explored the bedroom to distract myself. I tiptoed around the space like I was worried that someone was going to sound an alarm and I would be charged with breaking and entering. But the feelings were absurd; it had been made quite clear that this was my home now. Even if it felt nothing like a home at all.

So I snooped, despite the gnawing feeling in my stomach. I sifted through the walk-in closet which was mostly empty. It only held the prince's clothes which consisted mostly of ironed suits and gleaming dress shoes.

The ensuite bathroom was the same as the rest of the house, unnervingly clean, traditional and undeniably classy. There were his and hers' sinks, a massive soaker tub that could probably fit half a dozen people, and a beautiful shower. Even the damn toilet looked fancier than anything I had ever owned.

As I exited the bathroom I heard a door open and simply assumed it was Donovan coming back to check on me. I smiled a little bit at the thought. He was such a kind man, I could tell already. He was going to be my safe haven in this disgustingly perfect place.

But when the bedroom door opened and a waft of mint hit my nose I knew it wasn't Donovan who had waked into the room. It was my mate.

I froze for a second, I didn't know what to do. I had been so wrapped up in investigating this place I hadn't considered what I should do when my mate actually came home. I just swallowed hard and tried to steel my nerves enough to force myself to turn around.

But before I could even shift my feet to face him I heard him move and an instant later a hand was buried in my hair, yanking me backwards. I let out a yelp of surprise and pain as I slammed into the chest behind me. My mate's lips were by my ear in a second, nipping at the sensitive skin while his other hand slid around my waist.

"God, I've waited so long to find you." My mate moaned in my ear. His voice was low and deep. It made my legs weak, I was thankful for the sturdy arm around my waist.

At least until he began to slide his hand lower and his fingers brushed against the button of my jeans.

"Now, I finally have you." He whispered.

"What are you doing?" I gasped. I was partly in a daze with my mate so close to me. I finally understood what people meant when they said a mate was intoxicating. His voice sounded like silk and his scent was amazing. Part of me was thrilled with the fact that his hands were all over my body, I wanted him to touch me more, to keep pulling my hair and panting in my ear.

But another part of me was in absolute shock. I didn't even know this man who was trying to shove his hand down my pants. I had just been thrown out of a vehicle, freed from an unpleasant mother in law, and tossed into an empty house. As much as my body wanted this man, my mind wanted answers and closure.

The prince's hand had successfully undone my pants and was venturing into my panties, making pleasure and panic rise within me at the same time.

"Stop." I whispered, my voice coming out weak and breathy.

"Shut up." The prince hissed back. With one hard shove, he forced me onto the massive bed, face down and frazzled. But the aggression instantly cleared my foggy head.

"I said stop!" I shouted. I tried to get off of the bed, but before I could budge, the prince grabbed at my hair again and pushed my face down into the mattress, muffling my protests.

"I don't take orders from women." My mate spat. His hands grabbed at the tops of my jeans on either side of me and he tugged them down.

"Please!" I begged, desperately clawing at my pants to pull them back up. I was slightly successful and managed to cover the majority of my butt. "I don't even know your name, please just stop." I rambled, thrashing around.

"Christ, alright." The prince huffed, stepping away from me. But he didn't sound apologetic for throwing me down and groping at my body. Instead, he sounded agitated with my refusal, like I was an inconvenience to him.

I quickly got off the bed and pulled up my pants the rest of the way, hoping that if I covered my exposed skin he would have an easier time controlling himself. I pulled my plaid shirt tightly around myself and carefully took a step away from both him and the bed.

"You don't need to act like a frightened rabbit." The prince stated angrily, "It's not like mating is that uncommon for werewolves who are mates." His amber eyes were narrowed in on me and his pale lips were curved up in a slight snarl.

"What's my name?" I demanded.


"What's my name?" I repeated.

The prince rolled his eyes, "I don't know."

"You don't even know my name but you were ready to pin me down on that bed and breed me like I was some animal." I spat out. My hands were shaking in fear and rage so I kept them glued to my sight, trying not to attract attention to them. I didn't want him to take the shaking as a sign of weakness.

"You act like normal mates don't do that." The prince scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"As far as mates go, this isn't normal." I hissed, "I was thrown in a car before I even got to talk to you, taken away from my family, and tossed into this palace with no one to tell me it was going to be okay. And now you want to have sex with me without even saying hello."

The prince ran his eyes over me, "I suppose all of this would be quite shocking to a girl like you. You obviously don't come from a lifestyle of this caliber."

That was my breaking point. All of the stress from the day came boiling out of me at once. I couldn't handle my mate's rudeness, his foul mother, and his too-clean house. And I would never tolerate anyone talking about my life badly.

For the first time in nearly a year, I felt the bones in my body breaking, moving, and molding into new shapes. Fur sprouted out of my pores and I heard my clothing being torn to shreds as my wolf took over and I shifted fully.


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