Chapter 42

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"What are you doing, don't knock." Donovan hissed, grabbing my hand that was raised by the palace front doors.

"But, it's not my house anymore." I protested weakly. My stomach was doing flips inside me. I knew that I was doing the right thing by coming here, but I was deeply terrified that Bennett wouldn't take me back. Donovan had told me that I had pretty much crushed him when I had left. He said that Bennett had cried in the vehicle with Donovan when he came to pick him up from the diner and once he got home he didn't leave his room for a few days. Heart break like that didn't just go away with a hug and a kiss. Plus, he had gotten himself back together, without me. Maybe he realized he didn't need me anymore.

"You're a mess Brook." Donovan sighed. "No one here knows that you left Bennett. He told everyone that you went back home to see your family and that he didn't know when you were coming back. Think about it, a king without his queen is an easy target, especially when he's trying to implement women's rights. Those men would tear him apart if they knew you had actually left him. So just pretend like you own the place while I kick out all the maids and staff." He ordered, pushing open the front door.

I stumbled inside my old home, feeling ill. I glanced over at Donovan who gestured for me to hurry up before he turned to talk to a maid.

"Ben?" I called out, my voice cracking slightly.

"He's upstairs, your Majesty." A servant informed.

"Thank you." I whispered. I forced my legs to move my body up the grand staircase that I fell in love with when I first arrived. Part of me wondered if I should just give up now, save myself the embarrassment and tears. But I knew I couldn't. I loved Bennett too much and being here reminded me that this is where I belong.

I took a deep breath to steady myself once I reached the top of the stairs and I pushed in the door.

"Ben?" I asked, squinting at the man before me.


The voice was Bennett's so it must've been my mate, even if it didn't look like him. His nearly black hair had grown longer then he had ever let it before. It was so long it was starting to curl up at the ends. His amber eyes were bloodshot and circled in dark rings. His suit that he had been in the process of removing was rumpled and fitting a little tightly, as if he had put on some weight. I also didn't miss the half empty bottle sitting on his night stand.

"Brook, what are you doing here?" Bennett asked, bringing my attention back to the present.

"I came here to see you." I responded awkwardly.

"But why?"

I sighed and sat down on my bed, looking down at my hands. "Donovan came and got me. He showed me some clips from a newspaper. You've done a lot, you've given women rights, even after you said you wouldn't."

"Well, I had a lot of time to think. I sat in that diner for a couple hours before Donovan was able to pick me up. But why would he need to bring you old newspapers? Don't you see the change everywhere you go? Aren't there numerous trials being held daily? Or is your pack disregarding my laws?"

"No, no, I'm sure my pack is abiding by them." I said quickly. "And I'm really sorry about leaving you in that diner alone. I wasn't thinking."

"No, you weren't, but that's fine. I meant it when I said you didn't have to stay with me and I knew from the beginning that there was a good possibility you wouldn't want anything to do with me so I wasn't surprised that you left me, it was the timing that threw me off." He said, resuming his discard of his clothes. "You had held on for so long I didn't expect you to run for the hills anymore. But now that I'm supporting your political movement, here you are."

"Ben, this isn't about you giving she-wolves rights. Well, it is a little, but it's more than that." I said, finally able to look up at him. I saw a lot of hurt and betrayal in his eyes. "I-I" my lower lip began to tremble as I stuttered, "Bennett I moved to Denver."

"Why would you move to the White River pack?"

"No, I moved to the city, Denver. I took Cassandra away from my father, away from her pack, and plucked her in a human city." I confessed, quickly wiping away the tears that were escaping. I didn't want Bennett to think I was a sob story. "I literally yanked my little sister away from her own life and basically destroyed my father's. And I tried to be human, I really did. I even went to college and got a job. But all I could think about was how I'd never be as happy as I was with you. But I always justified it, told myself I needed to protect Cass." I rambled, the words just spilling out now, "And I wasn't protecting her at all, I was pulling away this amazing gift she had been given because I was too weak to fight beside you. I was too weak when you needed someone to stand behind you and support you when no one else did." I fiddled with my hands in my lap, my eyes on the floor. "I guess I just came back to tell you that I'm sorry and that I was wrong to leave you. You're a great king and a good man, Bennett."

Bennett frowned deeply and sat down on the bed beside me, making sure there was more than enough distance between the two of us. He didn't even look at me, he just kept glaring straight ahead.

"I'm sorry I doubted you and left you when you needed me." I whispered, standing up. Bennett still said nothing, keeping his eyes forward. "I guess I'll go get Donovan to take me back home."


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