Chapter 14

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After Bennett left I got out of bed, unable to force myself back to sleep, my mind full of the events that had just taken place. I leapt into the shower, washing off the feeling the heat left. My skin was sweaty and I felt odd. I knew Bennett was my mate and therefore we were going to mate at some point, but I still felt dirty for practically throwing myself at him. If I had had it my way I wouldn't be a virgin anymore and it was astonishing that he hadn't taken advantage of that.

I let the hot water melt away my thoughts and it stripped my skin of the sweat and dirt. I washed my hair with the products I could find, all of which made me smell like a man. I sighed a little bit at the thought of walking around smelling like Bennett, but it wouldn't matter anyway, no one was in the house and it was clear that I was still not allowed to go outside.

I got out of the shower and carefully brushed my wet hair before I scrubbed the morning breath out of my mouth with an unused toothbrush I found. I felt better after that, but my mood dropped again when I had to pick out clothes for the day. I had so many gorgeous items, but I felt odd wearing clothes that cost hundreds of dollars around the house and I had nothing baggy or old to laze around in.

I ended up settling for a pair of black jeans, a white tee shirt and a cashmere cardigan. The outfit is not something I would've worn at home, but it was far more comfortable than the cocktail dresses and the pencil skirts that lined my side of the closet.

I went downstairs to the main floor to grab breakfast which was nothing more than an apple today. It was difficult to work up an appetite when I was under house arrest, but lying around all day meant I didn't need that much energy to begin with.

But I chose to push my limits today, though it was for a good reason. I knew that if I stayed in this house for another full day I would definitely tear the wallpaper off the walls like Bennett had suggested, so I flung open the front door. And, as I expected, two guards immediately appeared, looking panicked but still professional.

"You must remain inside, Princess, it's the Prince's orders." One of the guards announced.

"And why is that?" I questioned, leaning against the door frame with my arms folded. I knew Bennett would have lied to them, in their minds I had already been broken by the collar. The guards all thought I had been turned into an obedient mate.

"He said it was for your protection." The guard replied.

I smirked a little, a plan forming in my brain right away, "Well, if it's for my own protection than why can't I have one of you guard accompany me for a walk around the grounds, it won't be long?"

"We aren't able to leave our posts, your Highness." The guard denied, shaking his head.

"Well, find me someone who can, like Anderson. I'm sure he would be able to accompany me for a walk and I'm certain that Bennett won't mind if I get a little exercise." And I truly hoped he wouldn't mind, but knowing him, he would explode with rage. Part of me already wanted to back out, but I held strong.

"I will fetch Anderson." One of the guards murmured, bowing deeply before he walked off.

I tried to strike up a conversation with the remaining guard but he was having none of it. He answered with one word and then refused to continue talking. I felt like I was attempting to baptise a cat and eventually gave up, just standing with him quietly until the guard returned with Donovan in tow.

"You called for me, Princess?" Donovan asked, bowing slightly.

"Yes, I would like you to take me to a nearby grocery store." I ordered, trying to sound stern and royal in front of the other guards.

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