Chapter 13

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**This chapter is incredibly sexual, if you are uncomfortable with sex please do not read.**

I wasn't awake when Bennett returned and I didn't stir when he slipped into bed beside me, but I was not surprised to find him sleeping beside me when I woke up the next morning. What did startle me was the burning of my skin and the sweat that was coming out of my pores. I felt like I was on fire, but it wasn't searing agony, instead it was pleasurable. Torturous but pleasurable.

Bennett began to wake up when I started to stir restlessly, trying to cool myself off, to prevent the heat from growing too intense. I had heard about heats many times. They occurred several times in a werewolf's life, they were unpredictable, unpreventable, and it drove both of the mates wild with lust.

"Brooklyn." Bennett whispered, clearly feeling the effects already.

"No." I whispered, "Please, get out." I panted. It felt impossible to form the words and it was even harder to spit them out. I wanted his hands all over my body. I wanted his lips on my skin. I wanted him to have all of me so badly. But I hadn't even kissed him. Hell, I hadn't even had a normal conversation with him, there was no way I was mating with him.

"Let me take the heat away." Bennett moaned. He moved his body on top of mine and my hands instinctively went to his broad shoulders. I knew I should've pushed him away, I should've told him to leave, but his warm breath on my skin and the closeness of our bodies was enough to drive away any resistance I had.

"We shouldn't." I murmured meekly.

"If we don't your heat won't go away." Bennett whispered. His lips were suddenly on my neck, kissing me so softly that I let out a tiny sigh and my arms grew weak. "I'm just going to make your heat stop, that's all." He continued, sounding like he was trying to convince himself. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin on my neck in a soft bite and I instantly arched up into him, moaning.

"You have to stay still, Brook." Bennett whispered, pushing my hips down with one hand.

"I need you." I panted back, moving my hips back up against his. I could feel his hardness press against me through his boxers and the sensation was beyond amazing. Bennett felt it too because he didn't try to move away and he let out a moan.

"Stay still." Bennett hissed out, finally managing to get away from me. "You're in heat, you don't actually want me this badly and we both know it. So I need you to listen to me so I can make your heat go away, okay?"

"Please, Bennett." I begged, grabbing at the waist band of his boxers. I wasn't listening to anything he was saying. All I knew was that his voice sounded good, but his lips felt better against my skin, and there was a thin layer of material keeping me from what I actually wanted.

Bennett just grunted, grabbing both of my arms and pinning them above my head with one hand. I kicked and squirmed right away, hating the feeling of being limited and out of control. I bucked my hips hard while trying to yank my wrists out of Bennett's grasp, but he quickly used moved so he was back on top of me again, using his weight to keep me flat against the bed despite my protesting.

But all of my arguments died when I felt his free hand slide underneath the baggy shorts I was wearing. His hand felt amazing against my heated skin and it soothed some of the wild need in me. I closed my eyes, breathing hard as I felt his hand creep downwards towards my core.

"Please, Bennett." I pleaded again. "I need you."

"I know." He whispered back, "I'm going to make your heat go away." he slowly moved his hand lower and his breathing caught as he reached my cunt. "Fuck," he panted, "You're so wet." He took a shaky breath as he slid a single finger inside me. I could tell he was losing control, and lying underneath him, my skin burning, and my body aching, all I wanted to do was shatter that last bit of self-control. But I couldn't move.

Bennett seemed to get a better grip on himself and he pushed another finger inside me, making my eyes roll back and a moan float out of my mouth. I had never experienced anything like this and having Bennett touch me like this made my head swim with pleasure. He slowly thrust his fingers in and out, making me moan louder. It felt heavenly, but it wasn't enough, it was only making the heat worse. My skin grew hotter and my need for him more intense. He was only teasing me by doing this.

"I need more." I gasped out. I struggled against Bennett's hold again, but he still held me down firmly.

"Like this?" Bennett's thumb gently pushed itself against my clit. My breath caught in my throat and my head moved back as a sigh escaped my mouth.

Bennett was no expert, that much was clear. His fingers were shaky and unsure as they moved and his eyes were constantly on my face, watching my reaction to every move he made, but he never stopped, and he never let his uncertainty show on his face. Not that I would've cared anyway. It felt amazing and I couldn't stop myself from moaning and crying out when he did the right things. I could hardly believe that I had stopped him the first day I had been here and he made advances on me.

Then, I hit my orgasm. My eyes rolled back, my body began to shaking and my breathing became unsteady as I was plunged into pleasure so intense I couldn't stand it. I damn near screamed in ecstasy.

Then it was all gone.

I was lying on my back, in my bed with Bennett staring down at me, slowly moving away as my heat receded.

"Well, now that that is done, I'll be getting ready for work." Bennett announced, falling right back into his cold demeanour. "The rules have not changed, you will remain in this house until I see that you have learned that your past behavior will not be accepted." He ranted, disappearing into the closet to change.

I couldn't even respond, I just rolled on my side, my back to him as my mind reeled with what had just happened.

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