Chapter 26

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In the morning I woke up to a painful head ache that was so intense I could only moan and roll onto my stomach in agony.

"First hangover, hey." Bennett chuckled. He sounded like he was a little distance away, probably getting dressed but I didn't bother to check.

"Go away." my voice was muffled by the pillow, but Bennett still laughed at my response.

"Alright, I guess I can give you the day off from all of your princess duties. I'll have someone bring up so toast and Advil in a little bit, but for now I left a glass of water by you. Drink it, you're just super dehydrated that's all. I'll see you later."

He left shortly after, not uttering a word or making too much noise which I was grateful for and once he was gone I forced myself to drink the water he had left on my night stand. I'm surprised I didn't vomit up the water right away, my body seemed unhappy with digesting anything. Thankfully, sleep put me out of my misery a short time later.

I awoke the second time to someone coming into my bedroom. I gasped and quickly covered my body, remembering that I had nothing at all to conceal the top half of my body, but I sighed in relief when I realized it was just a house maid.

My day was relatively uneventful because I slept most of it away. When Bennett did come home he found me basically right where he left me, I had only gotten up to use the bathroom and put on some clothing. Bennett sighed when he saw me still laying in bed, but he sat beside me.

"Can I talk or does it hurt your head?"

"You can talk." I mumbled back.

"Everyone was very impressed with you last night. They were all a little disappointed when you didn't show up today, even though they understand why." He giggled a little, "I've never seen so many hungover men in one room, it was quite funny to tell you the truth. Anyway, you have thoroughly convinced everyone that you will make a great queen."

"Too bad I'm not going to be queen at all."

Bennett's fingers brushed my knotted hair to the side gently and traced down the back of my neck, "You could be queen if you really wanted to be." He whispered, his voice so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

I laughed coldly, "Please, we both know that if I actually stayed either I would make you miserable by constantly challenging you or you would make me miserable by keeping me under lock and key while forcing proper etiquette on me."

Bennett's fingers left my skin and I almost instantly regretted my words even though they were true.

"I suppose you're right." He agreed. "The last thing I want is for us to hate each other. I'd really rather have no mate at all than have a miserable one or hate her for all I'm worth. Regardless, you really did impress the royal court last night, even my father, and I wanted to thank you for your genuine effort. Part of me was worried you weren't going to show up at all."

I rolled onto my stomach so I could see him and he looked almost as dashing as he did last night.

"I wasn't going to show up, but then the makeup lady and the seamstress put so much effort into my appearance I figured it would be a shame to throw it all away." I teased, half serious.

But Bennett was completely serious, "You did look beautiful, so beautiful."

I blushed darkly, "It's amazing what a dress and a bit of makeup can do, isn't it?"

Bennett shook his head, "It wasn't the makeup Brooklyn, even now, I think you're so damn gorgeous." He murmured, leaning down slightly.

I watched him near me, my heart rate jumping and my breathing getting shallower with anticipation. His amber eyes flicked from my own to my lips, trying to gauge my reaction, but unable to help himself. He slowly inched towards me, giving me plenty of time to stop his advances but it felt like my mind had fallen to mush inside my head and I was driven purely by instinct.

As he got closer to me my lips parted and my eyes fluttered closed. My hands clenched the sheets with nervousness and I could feel my body arching up on its own accord. I had waited so long for this, my wolf had waited for so long.

And then, ever so softly, Bennett's lips touched mine in a whisper of a kiss, so light and gentle I was hardly sure it happened.

When I opened my eyes Bennett was watching me, breathing hard and I realized very quickly that he was using as much self control as he had in him right now. as much as my wolf wanted him, she also hated him a little bit. His wolf saw me as a challenge, as something to conquer as only an alpha or a king would. Being gentle wasn't something he was used to, and definitely not what his wolf wanted.

"Sorry, lapse in control." He muttered, getting off the bed almost immediately.

"Don't worry about it." I said back, but my voice was breathy and gave everything away.


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