Chapter 30

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Bennett was running towards me in seconds. And now that I was more conscious and alert than I had been in weeks I realized just how much this whole thing had worn on him. He looked like he hadn't shaved in months, his dark hair was greasy and messy, and the suits that he always wore had been swapped out for ripped jeans and baggy tee shirts. His eyes were red and swollen as if he had been crying often. He was falling apart at the seams.

"What's wrong?" he asked once he was within hearing range, "Are you alright, Brooklyn?"

I slowly stood up, feeling my weak legs shake beneath. I feared they would give out but they held strong. I let out a bark, my throat feeling dry from the dehydration.

"What is it?" Bennett asked, kneeling in front of me. He reached up and gingerly brushed the snow off of my thinning fur. When I nudged his jaw with my nose he eased me away from him, shock evident in his expression, "Brook, are you sure?"

I nodded my wolf head slowly, my legs still trembling.

Bennett looked as if he were about to cry with happiness, but instead, he pulled my thin body towards him, hugging me tightly against his human form before he stood up. He took a deep breath as if he were trying to steady his shaking hands. He gave up on that rather quickly and pulled his tee shirt over his head. The second the shirt was off he had goosebumps covering his skin from the cold and his trembling fingers moved to the belt on his jeans.

A crowd was beginning to form around us, guards and staff ogling at my shaking form and the prince who was more than willing to undress in front of his subjects. He fumbled with the belt buckle for some time then finally got it off, but as he moved to the button and zipper he looked at me again.

"Do you really want this?" he asked nervously. "I swear I won't touch you if you say no, okay?"

I nodded my head again and stepped closer to him, wincing as the collar pushed harder against my skin. Then when I was close enough I nudged his thigh with my muzzle to reassure him. Bennett sighed and started undoing his pants. As his pants slipped off he started to shift. Dark fur started sprouting from his skin and I could hear the bones in his bones snapping as they moved to contorted.

Then, without warning, a loud womanly shriek pierced through the silent air.

Bennett instantly reverted back into his human form, his eyes moving towards the source of the sound. His parent's house. Then his attention snapped back to me and yanked up his jeans before dropping to his knees and grabbing at my silver collar. He let out a hiss of pain as the metal seared his flesh, but managed to find the large clasp and undo it, letting the torturous object fall to the ground.

I shifted into my human form almost instantly, despite the silver still in my blood. My wolf was too weak to stay in its form for much longer, but my human was hardly any better off. My eyes fluttered shut with exhaustion despite the ice and snow that cradled my bare, quivering skin.

"You!" he barked, pointing at the nearest guard, "Take her into the palace and call a maid, do you understand?" he demanded.

"But sir, the king-"

"I don't give a fuck about the king! Do as you are told!" Bennett shouted, then he was racing towards his parent's home, leaving me behind.

The guard hesitated for a moment, uncertain what to do, but then I heard his boots crunch on the snow as he walked towards me.

"I'm going to pick you up, Princess." He warned before his arms slipped around my thin figure and hoisted me up against his chest. The pain of movement made me cry out, but warmth and softness of his hold hushed me quite quickly.

The guard walked as quickly as he could with me in his arms, ignoring all of the other men who were racing in the other direction, away from my home and towards the king's and queen's. Some of them gave us odd looks, but most of them were too distracted to care an awful amount. Eventually we got to my palace and I nearly cried at the sight of the familiar surroundings. Everything in here was safe, I was finally safe, even if it was just for a little while.

"You there." The guard barked, startling a maid I hadn't even noticed. She just stared at the two of us in absolute horror and shock, "Take care of the princess, prince's orders!"

The maid scurried over to us, gently taking my hand in between both of her own, "She's freezing! Do you think you can carry her up the stairs and to the bathroom? I think a hot bath should raise her body temperature and I'll get her some food and water." She pinched my skin, making me yelp, "Yes, look at her skin, she's very dehydrated." The maid said, almost to herself, "Off you go, get her into the tub." She ordered, turning away from us and dashing into the kitchen.

The guard did as he was told and carried my limp body up the stairs and into the bathroom. He plunked me into the tub and turned on the water. I gave out a little sigh as I felt the hot water slowly surround my cold skin, thawing me gradually as I slid deeper towards sleep.

"No, no, you must stay awake princess." The maid whispered. I must've fallen asleep for some time, I hadn't noticed her arrival or the guard's departure. But I did notice the food that was on a tray nearby. "Here, drink this." The maid said, holding a cup of water to my lips, "I know the bath feels good, but it'll make you sweat which will dehydrate you more." She explained. "We'll have to have a doctor examine you, but all of the doctors are currently at the king's estate so you'll have to wait a while."

"What happened?" I croaked out.

"No one is really sure yet." The maid answered, bringing a spoon of oatmeal up to my lips, "But I promise that once it's figured out we will have a doctor here for you."

"And Bennett?"

"Yes, Princess, the Prince will be here for you too."

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