Chapter 20

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"What on Earth is this?" I demanded, staring at the long gown that was strewn across my bed.

Donovan chuckled from behind me, "You make it sound like you found a dead body, not a piece of clothing, Princess."

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm tired of things magically ending up in my home." I complained, "I feel like Snow White but instead of having adorable little animal friends I have staff who are too afraid to talk to me, and when they do talk to me I just weird them out."

"Can you blame them?"

"Does everyone think I'm going to start a war?" I demanded back, "Because I had no idea I was even worth a fencing match, much less a full scale, pack against pack war. Maybe I should start asking all the staff about my political power."

"Look, I shouldn't have said anything about a war, okay? You won't start a war, and we both know it. Can we move on?"

"And why on Earth do you think that I won't start a war?"

Donovan shook his head, "Are you forgetting where you come from?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I demanded, whirling around to face him.

"Look are your pack, do you really think they have a chance against the royals? And do you really want to have a war? Look at me and tell me that you would bear no weight on your conscience if there was a war and people like your father and your sister were slaughtered on the account of your unhappiness. Is that what you want, Princess?" Donovan challenged boldly.

"N-no." I stuttered.

"Then it's settled, there will not be a war. Can we go back to talking about the dress now?"

"No, I'm sorry that I acted as if I wanted a war, I didn't know it would upset you so much, but now I'm curious as to where this all stems from." I retorted. "I'm really sick of being kept in the dark."

Donovan sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you, but you are to tell know one that this came from me, understand?" I just nodded in response, "Good. Years ago there was a war. The princess at the time wasn't happy, her mate was cruel and insensitive. Prior to her moving her she was incredibly happy with a good, wealthy family behind her who loved and supported her every choice. Then she came here and she was crippled by her mate's controlling behavior. Basically, her pack found out and went after the royals to get her back. A war arose, many wolves died and the princess was not freed.

"So, before you start getting any crazy ideas about how you're going to get out of here, just remember that your freedom is not worth the lives of hundreds of innocent wolves. You might be a princess, but you don't get to decide who dies." Donovan hissed.

"I don't want anyone to die on my behalf, you know that right?" I whispered. I had clearly upset him, even though I wasn't entirely sure how. I was trying to undo the damage, despite my curiosity. Donovan was the closest thing I had to a friend here, if I lost him too I would go insane.

Donovan slumped against the nearest wall, his eyes shut, "Yeah, I know." He said softly, "The idea of a war just really scares me is all. I'm sorry for taking it out on you."

"Do you know someone who was in the war?"

Donovan smiled as if he hadn't heard me, but I could tell he was just trying to push past the argument, "Do you want to know what this dress is for then?"

"Yes." I blurted, willing to move past the anger and harsh words despite my desire to know why it bothered him so much.

"There's a huge gala coming up. It's a massive celebration for you and I mean massive. The king and queen will organize to have bands coming, the top chefs from all over the world will be here, leaders from every pack, every member of your family will be here, and it's all black tie, very expensive, and very over the top."

"That sounds like so much fun." I squealed. The idea of a party thrilled me and made me forget all about my previous annoyance with him.

Donovan left after a little while and even though I was strictly under house arrest I decided to go outside. The guards that were stationed outside my front door threw a tantrum at my disobedience until I told them I was merely going to the barns. Horses weren't as talkative as people, but I was certain that they were also less confusing and simple tasks and easy thoughts were exactly what I was in need of.

Oddly enough, when I got into the barns the first horse I went to was not one of the slight, spirited animals, I went towards the back of the barn. I ignored all of the sport horses who whinnied and stamped, trying to get my affection and went right for the massive gelding in the back stall.

"Hello Indigo." I cooed, reaching out to stroke the side of his strong neck.

I hadn't been riding in a long time, other than the brief instance with Bennett so I was a little rusty when it came to my horse care skills, but none the less I got a halter on the massive beast and get him out his stall. In all truth, indigo would've probably walked himself if he had known what I wanted. Bennett had been right about him, he was incredibly gentle, patient, and good tempered. Once I got him tied up in the barn aisle I began to run brushes over his coat, getting all of the dirt out, then sweeping it onto the concrete floor as I hummed to myself softly. Finally, alone in the barn with this beast of a horse, my mind began to clear.

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