Chapter 31

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The maid was kind and so concerned for my wellbeing, more concerned for my own wellbeing than I was. When I whined and told her I just wanted to go to sleep she scoffed at me, drained the tub and refilled it with cleaner, less grey water and began shampooing my matted hair. It took several shampoos before my hair was actually clean again and my skin wasn't covered in dirt or ice cold, but even then she wouldn't let me sleep. She fed me more food, all of which was bland, but still filled my small stomach, then got me to drink even more water.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I heard the bedroom door open, and after that, the bathroom door. I looked up, part of me terrified to see the king's sneering face and the collar in his hands, ready to drag me back outside and kill anyone who had helped me.

But it was only Bennett and my heart slowed to its normal rhythm as I sank deeper into the warm water, my eyes closing again.

"How is she?" Bennett asked in a whisper.

"Very tired, your Highness, and she was very close to death when she got here. Think we've made her more stable by bringing her body temperature back up and giving her some food and water. Still, I think you should have a doctor look at her. There's no telling what could be going on inside her body." The maid murmured back.

"Thank you, you've been a great help." Bennett breathed, "Go home now, you need the rest. I have a doctor coming over as we speak."

"Are you sure you don't need any more help?"

"If I need help I will ask some of the other staff. You've done more than enough."

"Alright, good night your Highness."

Bennett waited for the maid to leave before he pulled the plug on the tub, letting the water drain slowly.

"No." I complained, "I was warm."

"You'll be warm in bed too, come on." He encouraged. He tried to get me onto my feet, but soon gave up on that concept when he figured I wouldn't leave the water willingly. He ended up picking me up, plopping me on the counter and drying me off with a fluffy towel.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"Nothing you need to worry about now." he assured, unscrewing a container. He scooped out the substance with his fingers then proceeded to smear it over my raw neck. I yelped out in surprise and pain, trying to push him away. "Sorry sweetheart, we have to put this on, it'll keep the wound from getting infected, make it close faster and pull some of the silver out of your blood stream."

"But it hurts." I cried.

"I know, I know, but it'll make you feel better later."

"Is a doctor coming to see me?"

"Yes, he's in the other room, and as soon as he gives you the all clear we can go to sleep, alright?"

"Okay Ben." I mumbled, lying my head against his chest.

He pulled me tight against him and instructed me to wrap my legs around him. Once he thought I was holding on tight enough he lifted me off the counter and took me back into our bedroom. As Bennett said there was a doctor waiting for me who made quick work of examining me. His fingers were cold, but moved quickly, poking and prodding at my skin, asking me all kinds of questions I didn't care to answer before he was satisfied. When he was done with me he talked to Bennett quietly for a few moments then left us both.

"Can we sleep now?" I questioned through a yawn.

"Yes, we can sleep now." he whispered back, sliding underneath the covers beside me.

I fell asleep instantly.

I slept better than I had in months, but I woke up too soon with something touching my arm, tickling me a little. I opened my eyes and lazily pulled my arm away.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." Bennett whispered.

"Oh, it's just you. Don't be sorry, it felt nice." I replied, letting my arm flop back towards him.

"Yeah? You don't mind it?"

"Not at all."

Bennett laughed a little, but it held more relief than humor and he began tracing my arm with the tips of his fingers. He took a deep breath and moved closer, making me roll my head in his direction, meet his eyes and smile softly. He held my gaze as he moved down and slowly pressed his lips to my bare skin. When I didn't protest he closed his eyes and continued to kiss his way down from my shoulder to my elbow.

"I thought I was going to lose you. God, I really thought you were going to let yourself die out there." He whispered, dangerously close to tears.

"It's alright." I soothed. I rolled towards him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, pressing my face against his bare chest, "You don't have to worry about it anymore."

Bennett hugged me close before kissing the top of my head. I glanced up at him through my eyelashes, grinning a tiny bit as he lowered his mouth to mine, kissing me. I felt the relief, the love, and the undeniable residual fear of losing me through his lips. And I kissed him back, letting him know that it was all going to be okay now, that we were going to be okay.


**Any idea what the fuss was about in the previous chapter?**

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