Chapter 25

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Bennett and I continued our charade for several days. It was almost impossibly easy to be the mate he wanted me to be. Hell, I wanted to be that mate for him too, but when we went back to our palace I was frequently reminded of why we were acting and not genuinely in love. He was cold and distant on good days and on bad days he was demanding, ordering me around constantly. I suddenly missed those quiet lazy days that I spent in the barn and in front of the television instead of at meetings.

Then came this massive celebration everyone referred to as 'The Reveal'. It was apparently my big entrance into the world as a princess, no longer an ordinary werewolf. I thought it was foolish, I was still just a normal werewolf, I had hardly stepped into the world of royalty, but I remembered my promise to Bennett and I allowed women to tutor me, to try to impress me with incredible hairstyles, and my seamstress to constantly undress and redress me.

By the time the celebration actually came I was exhausted and ready for it to be over.

Bennett was no where to be found the day of The Reveal though.

"Oh, no Princess, he mustn't see you until you are ready." My hairstylist murmured, "It's almost like a human wedding." She explained as she wrapped my hair around a curling iron, "But it must be hard for you now, you're probably a bundle of nerves and he would comfort you."

"Yes." I said blandly, wishing someone in this kingdom wasn't completely fooled by my adoring and loving act. But I suppose that I had signed myself over to this.

Eventually my hair was curled and pinned up into an elegant up do of twirling hair, braids, and bobby pins. After my hair was complete another woman came in to do my makeup. My eye shadow was smoky, yet light and natural looking with a bold burgundy lip that matched my dress and cheeks that glowed in the light.

"You look amazing." My make up artist whispered, grabbing at my hands, "Now come on or you're going to be late." She giggled, tugging me to my feet. And just like that I was rushed out of my room, out of my home and into a vehicle that drove me to the gala's location.

Once I was there two men helped me out of the SUV which I was thankful for, I wasn't terribly used to wearing heels and snow had begun to fall in the past few days. The last thing I wanted now was to slip on ice and ruin everyone's hard work. Luckily, with one guard one each arm, it didn't seem likely that I would tumble and I entered the building without a scratch.

The guards led me through an empty room then instructed me to wait while my arrival was announced. It was slightly awkward standing between two of these men who boasted elegant uniforms while I felt more glamorous than a model. But, as usual, the guards were blank faced and quiet, listening for the announcement to be made before they pushed open the double doors and nodded, signalling me to walk forward into a room of strangers.

Applause filled the room as I moved forward and I kept a smile glued to my face though I felt nervous and nauseous. I nodded my head at the people I past, some I knew from meetings, other I had never seen before and cameras flashed blindingly all around me. I continued to walk until I was only a couple feet away from Bennett who was facing away from me. As he heard my heels stop clicking against the tiled floor he slowly turned around.

He was wearing a traditional uniform, it looked similar to a guard's uniform but his was navy blue instead of red and it was decorated with a handful of medals and sashes while a decorative sword was strapped to his side.

I paused briefly to take in his form, he looked amazing and I was very attracted to him despite our constant tension. But when his eyes met mine I remembered the procedure and curtseyed deeply, bowing my head in submission. When I rose back up Bennett met my eyes briefly before he bowed gracefully.

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