Chapter 15

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**Warning: this chapter deals with sensitive topics!**

Bennett didn't come upstairs that night. He stayed on the main floor and didn't even come upstairs to sleep. I didn't know if he was staying away because he was still mad or if it was because he knew I was mad and he wanted to give me space. Either way, I hardly cared, I took off the fancy not-walmart clothes and slipped into a night gown, the only pajamas I had been given.

I rolled into bed despite the fact that it was only nine in the evening, pulled the blankets up to my chin and shut my eyes tightly. I wanted to call my dad for some comfort, but if I could, what would I tell him? That I hated my mate and I hated my new life more than anything else in the world? No, I couldn't do that. My father loved me dearly and he would try and fight every single wolf on this property if it meant his little girl's happiness. Telling him would only make him feel helpless and worried.

But, God, I wished I could call him, or anyone really. I just wanted someone to tell me that it was all going to be okay, that Bennett would magically transform into this amazing werewolf that would take care of me and tell me I was beautiful just because. But he was not going to be the mate that my father was to my mother and I was trying to force myself to accept that as I fell into a restless sleep.

When I woke up I didn't move a muscle. The sun filled my room, telling me that it was late morning already, but I didn't bother to get dressed or even get out of bed. I just shut my eyes and pulled the blankets over my head, finally accepting the fact that I had been defeated.

The moon goddess had given me a mate that didn't match me in the slightest. My family, my support system, was hundreds of miles away, and everyone in my new life treated me like I was a freak. So what was the point in getting out of bed anyway?

With those detrimental thoughts plaguing my mind I convinced myself that I didn't have to leave that bed if I didn't want to. I got up to use the bathroom and that was the extent of my movement for the day.

The sun was setting before I knew it and I gave out a little sigh, feeling exhausted from doing nothing. A dull ache had sprouted in my back, and I was starting to get a headache so even though I had barely moved all day I told myself that I needed rest. This transition had been brutal on me and there was nothing a little sleep couldn't cure.

The next day I woke up late again and I felt a crippling pain within me, but it wasn't physical, it was emotional. I missed my family so deeply that it stung my heart. I hated the loneliness I was feeling so much that I loathed myself. I wished so badly that Willow or Cassandra could be here to comfort me that I started to cry. No, I wasn't crying, I was sobbing. I hiccupped in shallow breaths as tears streamed down my face and my body trembled.

But eventually those tears dried up on my cheeks and I couldn't force myself to cry anymore though the internal pain was still strong. And no matter how much my heart hurt or how many tears I shed I knew the pain wouldn't stop.

I had to drag my own body out of bed, telling myself over and over again that a hot shower or a warm bath would make me feel better, but I knew it wouldn't. Through the bath or shower I would be thinking about how I deserted my family and came here to a mate who didn't love me. I had become useless overnight.

I managed to get myself in front of the mirror and I used my hands to support my exhausted upper body over the sink. When I looked up I looked awful. I had lost weight since I had gotten here since I had hardly eaten anything at all. There were dark circles under my eyes now. Hell, I looked disgusting, no wonder my own mate didn't want anything to do with me. A little whimper escaped my mouth at the thought.

I lowered my head down slowly, feeling near tears again, but as I did so my eyes caught the gleam of razor blades in the corner. My head began to spin with dizziness just from the sight.

"No." I whispered, trying to stop myself, but my hand was already reaching towards the blades.

The next few minutes were a blur or gleaming silver, pale skin, and bright red blood. My head was spinning so madly that I had to sit down on the floor, my mouth open in relaxation for the first time in what felt like years. My heart was pounding madly in my chest, the thrill of seeing the blood instantly dulled the stinging sensation. My head lolled backwards, resting against the wall, the sweet release of all the pent up emotions getting the best of me. I felt like I was floating, just drifting away through the roof of the house, far away from all my problems. Maybe I would get high enough to see my mom. I was so far gone, so deep in my trance, I didn't even here the bedroom door open.

In fact, I had no idea I wasn't alone anymore until I saw Donovan staring at me, mouth hanging open in shock.

"Brooklyn." He gasped.

And just like that reality set back in. the stinging started up again and my face flamed with embarrassment as I watched Donovan scramble to get paper towel. My stomach knotted tightly at the sight of the blood now, making me feel sick. God, what would Donovan think of me now? He was the one person I thought I could bond with, and now he would only see me as weak and pathetic.

"Let me see your wrists." Donovan ordered as he dropped to his knees.

I hadn't realized that I had pulled my wrists close to my body, protecting them from his prying eyes. "No." I slurred out stubbornly.

"Brook, I need to see if you need to go to the hospital, now show me your wrists." He demanded, gently grabbing at my hands and pulling them towards him. He glanced down at my bloodied arms and began dabbing at them with the wet paper towel. A second later he became visibly relieved. "They aren't deep, I think you'll be fine." He said softly, his shoulders slumping slightly.

"I'm not dumb." I spat out harshly, yanking my arms away from him, "I didn't want to kill myself."

"Okay." Donovan whispered, thrown by my sudden shift in moods. "Get up, we need to find Bennett."

"No we don't." I snapped, "He will not know anything about this."

"He needs to know." Donovan protested gently.

"I will have you fired if you say anything to him about this."

Donovan sighed, running a hand over his face, "Brooklyn, please, I know you're embarrassed, but Bennett is your mate, he needs to know."

"I'm not lying, I'll have you fired." I warned again, feeling tears flood my eyes.

"I'm willing to risk it." Donovan said stubbornly. I felt his arms wrap around me and he carefully hoisted me to my feet. Once he thought I was stable he led me back to the bedroom and got me to sit on the bed. "Please stay here, I will get Bennett here."

"Please don't." I cried, bowing my head, "What will he think of me when he sees me like this?"

Donovan gently stroked my hair, "He'll think that your brain has become ill, the same way he would think you would be ill if you got a cold. The brain can get sick too, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, do you understand?" He used a gentle finger to lift my chin so I would look at him, "It's okay to need help, even if you are a princess."

I nodded, tears still streaming down my cheeks.

Donovan left a minute later and in no time at all he was back. This time with Bennett in tow behind him.

*I hope this chapter wasn't too emotional for any of you. leave a vote and a comment!*

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