Chapter 37

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I understood what the queen meant in the next few days, but I struggled to take her advice. Once Bennett went back into the public light he faced severe backlash on his choices and he often brought the burden of his work home with him. He told me that he wanted me to stay home and rest, to recover more, but all I wanted to do was support him and stand beside him. The former queen had been right, many people were terribly unhappy with the choices Bennett had made because many of them understood his position stemmed from a view point of equality.

One day Bennett came home so broken and frustrated that I wasn't even sure what to do. I knew that he was an incredibly stubborn man and I had never seen him give up on anything, especially not something of this caliber.

"Maybe everyone is right." He sighed, sitting on the couch with his head in his hands, "I mean if the whole werewolf population is furious with me then I must be doing something wrong. This is the way it has been for centuries, why change it now?"

I cringed at his words, my thoughts immediately going out to my father who was ridiculed daily and my sister Cassandra who would be finding her own mate in the next few years. I knew this fight was a hard one, no one liked to give up tradition, but I couldn't let Bennett lose, not this time.

"Come on, let's go for a drive to take your mind off things." I suggested.

"Brook, please, I just want to stay at home and rest for a while, okay?"

"No, you won't rest here. You'll laze around for hours wondering what to do and you won't get any sleep. So get up, we are going for a drive."

"But you'll just lecture me on why I should keep fighting, then in the morning I'll see three hundred people who will tell me I'm a fool for even trying to change things."

"I won't lecture you, sweetheart; I just think a drive would be good for you. You shouldn't have this much stress in your life just a couple days before Christmas. And I miss seeing you smile, so come on, get up and get your butt in a car." I ordered.

"Dear God, I never knew I was mated to a drill sergeant." Bennett grumbled, but he complied with my wishes.

Within a few minutes Bennett and I were loaded up into my favorite SUV, the Mercedes AMG, and we were just getting off the royal grounds.

"Well, that's it, I think I've officially given up on the whole feminism movement. Humans may love it, but it just doesn't seem to work for werewolves." Bennett stated.

I just drove silently, letting his decision settle over me. I knew that I was supposed to be his mate before I was his partner in ruling the werewolf world, and I also knew that the people would listen to him far before they listened to me. But I couldn't agree with him. On the other hand I also knew that he might just be trying to goad me into an argument.

"You're not going to yell at me?" Bennett taunted.

"No." I said flatly. I kept my eyes on the road as I felt them fill with tears. Thankfully, it was already dark so Bennett wouldn't be able to see my gleaming eyes.


The rest of the drive was quiet, tense, but quiet. And I was oddly glad about that. I didn't want to have a screaming match with Bennett which is what this would escalate into. Plus, I was too emotional right now, I didn't want to say something that I would regret so I kept my lips sealed and drove until I spotted a cute little diner on the side of the road.

"We could've had the staff make us supper if that's what you wanted so badly." Bennett grumbled.

I ignored him, undid my seat belt and got out of the car.

The diner was cute. It looked like it was fairly old, but I could tell that it was a family business and that was enough to make me stay. The woman behind the counter beamed up at us as we entered then guided Bennett and I to our table. I examined the menu with great intent, making sure my mate didn't try to talk to me again, I wasn't sure I could handle it. I only raised my eyes to talk to the waitress until our food came.

"You're angry at me." Bennett stated.

"Were you expecting me to be happy after what I went through because of the patriarchal ways of our kind?" I asked, sipping my sangria.

"Well, no, but I did expect you to try and see my point of view."

"I can't. I have tried to help you, tried to stand behind you while you fought for my rights. I know it's hard Bennett, and I know there are so many people against you but you have to think about the good you're doing." I pressed.

"I have thought about it, and I have thought about the bad it could lead to. I'm worried that my pack is turning against me, and once that happens it only takes one or two more packs to start a war with us and win. I can't risk that."

"So you won't be supporting women's rights at all?"


"You won't even try."


I sighed and leaned back into the booth seat. I felt like I wanted to cry. I was torn between loving Bennett unconditionally and hating him for the choice he made.

"When you told me that you would let me go when you became king, did you really mean that?" I asked, hiding my shaking hands under the table.


"Just answer the question, Bennett." I hissed out.

"Yes. Now that I am king you are free to go if you really want to." he whispered, dropping his eyes to the table, "But I don't want you to go. I swear I won't treat you badly, honestly. I just can't change the whole werewolf community over night without risking a war."

I took a shaky breath, trying to keep the tears at bay. "I know that you will treat me well, but it's not me that I'm worried about anymore." I began digging through my purse, looking for the keys to the Mercedes.

"Then who is it about? Is there another man?"

I laughed bitterly, "No, it's not another man. It's my sister."

"What about her? I haven't even met her, how can I do anything bad to her?"

"Well, if women don't get more rights my little sister is going to basically be a slave to some man. She won't have any freedom. And she might end up with a good man, one who takes care of her and loves her. But with so many men enraged about women actually being treated like humans I doubt that she will find a kind man to love her." I explained. I tossed a few bills on the table to pay for the meal that had been left untouched. "I know you're only trying to do what's right for everyone, but I need to protect my family."

"And how are you going to do that?" Bennett demanded, "Are you going to kill her bloody mate when you find him?"

"No." I said softly, then I glanced back at him as I began to walk away, "Goodbye Bennett."


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