Chapter 32

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**This Chapter is a sex scene, please move on to the next one if you are uncomfortable**

Bennett pulled away from the kiss too soon for my liking and I reached up, lacing my fingers in his dark hair as I tried to pull his mouth back to mine.

"Brook, we should talk." He said.

"I don't want to talk." I protested, kissing along his jawline, making him shiver. And I didn't want to talk. I wanted to kiss him and hold onto him. Bennett and I only ever talked and I didn't want to any more, I wanted to know how he felt about me without saying a word and I would let my body show him how much he meant to me.

"Please, I don't want to do anything that would upset you. You aren't collared anymore; you don't need to submit to me, if that's what you think." Bennett rambled on.

I pulled back in shock, "I wasn't doing this to let you have control over me." I said, my mood quickly turning sour, "If that's what you think is going on-"

"No, no, this isn't about control for me either." Bennett reassured me. He placed one of his hands on my hip and began drawing lazy circles with his thumb, "I don't want to control you, not anymore, but I do want you to be mine."

"Only if you are mine as well." I whispered. I couldn't help myself, I loved the feeling of his skin on my own, I loved the sound of his voice this early in the morning, and I loved the comfort that fell over me just from being in his arms. I just loved him.

"Of course I'm all yours, sweetheart."

I didn't need any more validation. I pressed my naked body up against him and kissed him. He moved slowly, always careful not to hurt me as he got on top, never breaking the kiss, even when his hands began sliding over my body, feeling my less than lovely rack of ribs. But, in the moment, I hardly cared what I looked like, all I was concerned with was Bennett.

His mouth moved down at an achingly slow pace. He took his time, kissing my jaw, then the healthy part of my neck, and after that the collar bone. He went so slow that I began to whither underneath him, wanting more than his feather light touches and tender kisses. I slid my hands down his back, feeling him shiver at my touch and then I ran my hands down his stomach as his breathing quickened. He watched me as I moved my hand lower, the tips of my fingers brushing against the waist band of the shorts he slept in.

Then, without warning, I was flipped onto my stomach. I let out a gasp, which melted into a pleasure-filled sigh. Bennett's lips peppered open-mouthed kisses all along my spine, making me moan and grab handfuls of the bed sheet. Bennett continued to kiss down my back, smiling with satisfaction at my response. He took his time, clearly in no hurry as he traced the outline of my body with his hands then followed it with his lips, driving me insane with pleasure and lust all at once. He wanted to touch and taste every inch of my skin and I let him.

After a few minutes Bennett rolled me back onto my back and moved off the bed, digging through his nightstand. He pulled out a condom and turned his back to me as he took off his shorts and put it on. In no time he was back in bed and back on top of me.

"Are you sure?" he asked, hesitating above me.

"Yes, I'm sure." I breathed back before I kissed him deeply.

He just adjusted himself and slowly thrust into me. My mouth opened in a silent cry of pain and my hands clamped down on his arms.

"Do I need to stop? Is it too much?"

"No, don't stop." I protested.

Bennett complied with my wishes and didn't pull away. He moved very slowly, allowing me to adjust to his girth and length. Once I had adjusted he began moving a little bit faster, but still kept an easy rhythm that allowed us to share several deep kisses between quiet gasps and small moans.

The whole thing was over too quickly, but Bennett didn't seem terribly bothered, he got up, skittered to the bathroom and returned wearing a pair of dress pants.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." He said, unable to meet my eyes.

"It's okay. Can you just come and lay with me for a bit?" I asked.

"Not now, I'm sorry, I have some business to attend to. You can join me if you'd like, but if you don't feel up to it I understand."

"Well, how long is this 'business' going to take?"

"A few hours, at least."

I bit my lip in deliberation, "I'd like to come, but I don't think I'll be able to last that long. I think I'm too weak and too tired."

Bennett disappeared to grab a dress shirt and tie, "How about you stay in bed a while longer, have some breakfast, then tell a guard to bring you over. You can stay for as long as you would like."

"Alright, that sounds fine." I agreed.

"Good, I'll see you later then, but please wear something nice and formal. I'm afraid this is a very serious matter, okay?"



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