Chapter 6: He Broke Up With Me?!

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Chapter 6: He Broke Up With Me?!

Allie's POV

I touched my new bruise precariously as I thought. I let out a small gasp and flinched, my head flicking out of the clouds. I glared down at my arm. One more useless thing to worry about.

Marcel could sing. Him. Singing. I still couldn't understand that. How could he, a stupid worthless nerd, be able to sing? Of course, he wasn't as good as me, but still... he could SING.

I shook my head in amazement. Unbelievable. Impossible. But apparently possible, because Marcel SANG. I shook my head for a second time.

I stared down at the lyrics in my little notebook. I picked up my guitar again and searched for my inspiration. I strummed the strings carelessly, mind blank.

"I can almost see it," I sang softly. "That... freedom I'm... searching.... For." I groaned softly. "No, that doesn't work at all."

I knew that I was kind of copying Miley Cyrus, but I just wanted to make her "Climb" song... better. I wanted to rewrite it. But how? I had absolutely no inspiration.

I suddenly had an idea. I jumped up from my bed, setting my guitar to the side, and I picked up my cellphone. I held down the three, my speed-dial for Adam's number. Rachel was one and Hanna was two.

"Hello?" Adam's voice rang in my ear, and I smiled. My boyfriend. He was mine.

"Hey, Adam," I said into my phone sweetly. "I'm bored. Want to come over?"

"Um, sorry, babe, I can't. But we can go out. How's that?"

"Uh, sure."

I remembered my father's rule of no guests over. I always made Adam wait for me at the edge of my backyard. But what was up now? Why didn't he want to come over?

I shrugged it off and got ready to go out in public. Adam was always my inspiration. He was my boyfriend, after all. I loved him.

I pulled on my shoes and tossed my hair over my shoulders one more time. I grabbed the keys to my house and snuck out. My dad was nowhere to be seen.

Adam was already at my house, waiting for me in his nice car. I bounded over and slid into the front seat. I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Hi, baby," I said, grinning widely.

He gave me a small smile in return, but he didn't reply. I frowned. Something really was up. Were his parents complaining about me again? They never really did like me.

"Where are we off to?" I asked as Adam started to drive away.

"The park," he said. "I've got something to tell you."

My smile wavered and I looked away from him. "I've something to tell you". That was never good. Usually that meant a couple was about to break up.

But that couldn't be right. Adam and I were made for each other! He was the most popular boy and I was the most popular girl. Why would he want to break up with me? Why would ANYONE want to break up with me?

Adam pulled to the side of the road. We both got out and walked over to our bench. Yeah, we had our own bench in the park. This was where we first kissed. I smiled at the memory.

We sat down, and Adam took my hand in his. The contact made my heart race. Everything he did made my heart race. I loved him.

"Remember this spot?" Adam asked me as we sat together.

"Of course I do!" I exclaimed. "This is where we kissed for the first time. Ah, good times," I sighed dreamily. Adam chuckled.

We just sat there for a moment, not saying anything. At first I didn't mind, because I thought we were having a nice, personal moment with each other.

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