Chapter 18: You Can Crash My Party Anytime

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Chapter 18: You Can Crash My Party Anytime

Allie's POV

I played with my food at the lunch table a little miserably. I was a horrible person, wasn't I? Marcel was nice and all, but I wasn't the only person that bullied him. If we were seen together in public, the bullying would be horrible. And not just to him, but to me too. I didn't want that to happen.

But Marcel hadn't believed me when I told him he could trust me. If he didn't believe me then, why would he believe me now? He was being way too kind for forgiving me so easily, but what if he was just playing me? What if we weren't friends at all?

I shook my head in frustration. Befriending a nerd was some tough business. It disturbed the natural order of things. Popular people and nerds couldn't be friends. It just didn't fit right.

And if you did become friends, it was a rocky relationship. You were unable to tell if you could trust each other. You couldn't even tell if you were being lied to or played with. It was a hard, painful game, but hopefully the prize would be worth it: true friendship.

I frowned in concentration. In order for Marcel and I to become true friends, we had to learn more about each other. In reality, we really didn't know each other. I kept my secrets from Marcel, and he probably kept his secrets from me. We had to share those secrets if we wanted to get closer. But not too close, though.

I nearly gagged at the idea of dating Marcel. How did I even get there? As much as I liked Marcel, there was no way I could like him in that way. He was too nerdy and nervous. He'd never be able to handle being a popular girl's boyfriend.

"You okay, Allie?" Rachel asked me. She poked my arm. "You've been jumpy all day. Look, even your foot's tapping."

She pointed. It was. I stopped tapping my foot. "Sorry," I sighed. "Just a little stressed is all."


"It's a project I have to do. It's really hard."

Really hard my ass, I thought, but I didn't say that out loud. That would be weird. Plus, I was trying to tell a convincing lie.

"Well, I know what to do to get your mind off things," Rachel said with a huge grin.

I looked up at her. "Really? What?"

"My parents are leaving for a romantic getaway this weekend. My house is free and empty. You know what that means."

I copied her grin. "You bet I do," I agreed readily. "Let's do it."

"Same arrangements as always?"

"Of course."

I stood up and climbed onto the table so everyone could see me. I felt so tall on the table.

"Attention, everyone!" I called in an authoritative voice. Every single person in the cafeteria looked at me, even the lunch ladies.

"I'm having a party at Rachel's house this weekend. Everyone's invited. Tell your friends."

I jumped down from the table and everyone started clamoring at once. I smiled to myself as I sat down. This was going to be fun.


"Is it okay with Rachel's parents?" Marcel asked.

I looked up from my phone for just a second. I was texting every kid I knew to come to Rachel's house for the party.

"Um, yeah, sure," I said. "They're perfectly fine with it. Rachel and I have parties like these all the time."

"What about Hanna?"

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