Chapter 1: I Am Better

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(a/n: This is a coming soon fanfic. I want to complete at least one of my two works in progress before really starting to get in on this one. But I've posted the first few chapters for you so you can get a feel for what is happening. I would really love it if you saved this to your library! Thank you and enjoy! xx)

Chapter 1: I Am Better

Allie's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror.

"I am perfect," I stated loudly. "I am beautiful. I am strong."

I am all of those qualities. Along with popular, awesome, loving. Well, loving to most people I know. Everyone else are asses.

I smirked, picked up a brush, and began to brush through my short, wavy hair. I wished it was more curly. Straight is average, wavy is normal, but curly is beautiful.

I put on my usual loose clothes; the shirt that hung off my shoulders, the short shorts. I applied lipstick, lipgloss, eyeshadow, mascara, all of the little things that increased my beauty.

I hopped down the stairs with my book bag bumping against my hip. I grabbed an apple and rushed out the door, before my father woke up. I shuddered slightly.

I waited by the bus stop for my best friend, Rachel. She was my friend, along with Hanna.

My school life was perfect. I was the most popular girl, I had plenty of friends, an amazing boyfriend, and people who feared me.

It felt good to be feared. It meant people wouldn't mess with me; they wouldn't try to pull anything on me. I was higher than them, and they knew it.

This is probably what my father felt every night. He was the boss of the household. Mother and I couldn't mess with him, pull anything on him.

"Allie!" someone shouted, and I was relieved to be pulled from my thoughts.

"Rachel!" I shouted back, and we quickly embraced. "Come on, let's get to school," I said, grinning. "I have something to show you."

We quickly ran across the street and towards the school, where kids would part for us like we were Moses and Aaron and they were the Red Sea.

I stopped by my locker. Hanna and Rachel had their lockers on either side of me. They weren't supposed to, but teachers loved us so much they didn't care.

"What is it you have to show me?" Rachel asked me.

"Not just you," I corrected her. "Hanna and Adam, too. Wait till they get here."

Adam was my awesome boyfriend. He was tall, handsome, popular, captain of the football team.... Our relationship was perfect.

"Here they come!" Rachel exclaimed, and I glanced back. Hanna grinned when she saw us looking, and quickened her pace.

Adam was beside me in a flash. He hugged me from behind, pressing his lips to my neck. I giggled. "Hey, baby," I said, reaching up to wrap my arms around him. "Good morning, beautiful," he replied, and spun me around, catching me in his arms. I smiled.

"Ahem," a voice said, and Adam and I looked over. Hanna and Rachel were staring at us. "There was something you wanted to show us?" Rachel prompted. I snapped my fingers. "Oh, right," I remembered, and walked off, my friends right behind me.

"Ta da," I said, smirking, gesturing to the locker in front of me. Adam grinned, while Hanna and Rachel giggled.

This was not the locker of anyone popular. No, this was the locker of the lowest person in school, Marcel. He was such a nerd, and he really got on my nerves.

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