Chapter 19: Why Don't You Sing?

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Chapter 19: Why Don't You Sing?

Allie's POV

I was starting to get nervous. Marcel and I only had a month left until our project was due, and we weren't even half-done yet. We had the climax and bridge figured out, but not the chorus or end. We seriously needed to start working.

"Okay, no more messing around," I said loudly, clapping my hands together. "We need to get some serious work done, alright?"

Marcel nodded and handed me the lyric sheet. I took it, read it over once, and began to sing.

"I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath," I sang. "Scared to rock the boat and make a mess. So I sit quietly, agreed politely. I guess that I forgot I had a choice. I let you push me past the breaking point. I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything. You held me down, but I got up. Already brushing off the dust. You hear my voice, you hear that sound. Like thunder gonna shake the ground. You held me down, but I got up. Get ready because I've had enough. I see it all, I see it now...."

I hesitated. This next part didn't seem right. "Louder, louder than a lion!" I sang. "Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!"

"That doesn't sound right," Marcel and I said at the same time. I grinned at him; he blushed a little bit.

"We haven't sang a single thing about roaring up until now, so it doesn't make sense," I stated. "We'll use my part of the chorus at the end. We need to come up with a beginning chorus."

Marcel actually grinned. He looked kind of cute when he grinned. Wait, what?

"How about this?" he offered. "'I've got the eye of the tiger'."

"You're really stuck on this contact thing, aren't you?" I teased him, but I wrote it down anyway.

"Not just that," Marcel protested. "There's that one song about the eye of the tiger. It's about being strong and fighting and stuff."

"Right," I breathed in understanding. "You pose a very good point, Mr. Styles. Okay, what else?"

Marcel shrugged. "I dunno. That's all I got."

I frowned and began to think. "I've got the eye of the tiger...." Okay, what rhymes with tiger and goes along with big cats or fighting or whatever? Wait a minute. Fighting!

"A fighter," I said. "That rhymes with tiger. And it connects with the idea of the eye of the tiger."

"Okay," Marcel agreed, and I wrote it down.

"Now what else?" I asked. He shrugged again. We went back to thinking.

What next? We had, "I've got the eye of the tiger, a fighter...." But that's it. What else were we supposed to put?

We had kind of strayed away from the idea of roaring and big cats and stuff, but we were still focused on the idea of being the best we could be. So should we continue down that road, or set a new one? Not too random, though.

"How about, 'Dancing through the fire'?" Marcel offered.

I stared at him. "What has that got to do with anything?" I exclaimed.

He bit his lip and looked down. "Nothing, I guess," he mumbled. "It was just a suggestion. We don't need to use it."

Did I snap at him? I don't think I did. It was just a question. But Marcel's reaction to it made me feel bad. So I jotted his suggestion down to make us both feel better.

"Alright, we'll use it," I murmured. "But we'll probably replace it later on."

Now that was covered (sort of), what should come next? We were almost there (I think). What would the next couple of lines be?

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