Chapter 13: That Guilty Feeling

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Chapter 13: That Guilty Feeling

Allie's POV

Marcel was acting weird. Well, he always acted weird, so weirder than usual. Not like I cared, I was just wondering what could be wrong with him.

I watched Marcel out of the corner of my eye as I waited for class to end. Ms. Drake was droning on and on about these twelve special notes or something. Nothing important.

Marcel looked down at his desk and pushed his glasses farther up his nose. His brow was furrowed. He rolled his pencil back and forth with his pointer finger. He seemed distracted. Not like I cared.

The bell rang and I let out a loud sigh of relief. Finally! I was about to die in there I was so bored. I packed up all of my things. I was one of the last to leave.

"What's up with you?" a male voice asked, and I looked up. Aaron Dowse smirked down at me as I straightened.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You were staring at Marcel almost the entire class. Do you have a crush on him or something?"

I bristled at his accusation. "No, of course not! He was just distracting me and being annoying, as usual." I paused. "And how do you know I was looking at Marcel? You sit in front of me."

Aaron shrugged. "What?" he asked carelessly. "I like to people-watch. This class is so boring anyways."

"Yeah, I bet you were staring at me the whole time," I smirked. We left the classroom together and walked towards my locker.

Aaron shrugged again. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," he said smoothly. He smiled down at me, some kind of seductive look on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"Look, I know I'm single, but that doesn't mean Adam still won't beat you to a pulp if you try anything," I chided him lightly.

"Says who? As I recall, he openly makes fun of you and talks about Kendall all the time."

I sniffed. "He's just trying to make me jealous. Little does he know I'm way better than that slimeball."

"Who's the slimeball?"

"Kendall, you idiot."

"Ah, I thought she was a bitch."

I laughed and smiled up at Aaron. "You know, who cares about Adam?" I said. "You can do whatever you like to me."

"Whoa, that was fast," he said, grinning, and I laughed again.

We chatted as I put my books away in my locker and grabbed my book bag. Aaron was a pretty cool guy, literally. But I really liked him, and he was super hot.

We got my guitar from the music room together, since I accidentally forgot it before. I grabbed the handle of the case and hefted it up beside me.

"Thanks for your help," I huffed sarcastically. This guitar was heavy, and I was a small person.

"You never asked for any," Aaron chirped, and I rolled my eyes again.

"I have to go," I said a little apologetically. "I'm working on a project at my... friend's house." I forced out the word "friend's" and tried not to cringe.

"Oh, alright," Aaron said. "Well, talk to you tomorrow. We can hang out sometime on the weekend, if you like."

I smiled genuinely. "I would like that," I said softly. "See you tomorrow."

I left the music room and Aaron walked with me to the front doors of the school. There we went opposite directions.

I was about to start forward when I remembered something. Or rather, someone. Shoot, Marcel! Where was he? I ran back into the school to find him.

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