Chapter 26: The Best Song Ever

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Chapter 26: The Best Song Ever

Marcel's POV

I was nervous walking into school on Wednesday morning. Monday was when I punched Adam, and Tuesday everyone just avoided me. I was waiting for them to explode or do something to me. It seemed like I was doing that a lot.

But that's not what happened at all. The moment I stepped into the hall, everything changed for me.

"Hey, it's Marcel!" someone shouted. I flinched. Oh boy, here it comes.

The kids whooped and rushed towards me. They raised their hands. My heart raced so fast in my chest I feared it might burst. That's when it happened.

They began to compliment me and pat me on the back. They congratulated me and smiled at me. What was going on here?

"You're awesome, Marcel!"

"You're the greatest!"

"Thanks for everything!"

"Wh-what?" I finally gasped out. I was so confused.

Brad pushed himself to the front of the crowd. He grinned at me. "Didn't you hear us? You punched Adam! You're a hero!"

I stared at him. "What?" I repeated.

He chuckled. "It's quite simple, really. Nobody likes Adam. He's a complete asshole. Now that he's got punched by a nerd, he's no longer ruler of the school!"

I frowned. "R-really? Then who is?"

Brad seemed to think about it. He smirked at me. "You are!" he exclaimed.

I felt all of the blood drain from my face. "I'm... what?"

"You're ruler of the school. I mean, you punched Adam and knocked him off his throne, after all. You're king now. All we have to do now is get rid of Allie...."

His last sentence finally woke me up. I blinked multiple times and shook my head.

"Wait, what? Get rid of Allie? Why?"

Brad gave me a look as if I was crazy. "Because she's a bully, duh. Nobody likes her, either."

"That's not true!" I defended my friend. "Plenty of people like her! Her friends and parents do, I'm sure."

I tried not to wince when I thought of Allie's father. I still thought something should be done about that, but that wasn't in my control. Allie had to figure that out for herself.

Brad snorted. "Her 'friends' are just using her for popularity. And sure, her parents like her. Maybe. Why are you defending her?"

I opened my mouth to tell him exactly why, but then I paused. Were Allie and I still trying to keep our friendship a secret? We never talked about that.

"I don't know," I mumbled. I hurriedly changed the subject. "But I don't want to be ruler of the school!"

"Hold the frick up!" someone shouted. Vince suddenly appeared next to Brad, towering over him. I shrunk a little.

"Marcel is so not ruler of the school," he said loudly. "He's a nerd!"

"So?" Brad shot back. "He's smarter than you'll ever be!"

"Who cares? I was Adam's right hand man. I'm ruler of the school now. You all listen to me. And I say Marcel isn't ruler of the school."

"Fair enough," a girl's voice piped up from the crowd. The kids dispersed, including Vince.

"I'm sorry, Marcel," Brad sighed. "I tried, I really did. If it helps, you can be ruler of the nerds."

Truth be told, I was relieved. I didn't want the weight of responsibility of being the school's most popular boy. I didn't think I could handle it.

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