Chapter 7: That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

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Chapter 7: That Wasn't Supposed To Happen

Marcel's POV

Something was different. That was for sure. As soon as I walked into school on Monday morning, the atmosphere seemed... I don't know, unsettled somehow. Like something had unbalanced the entire neat system of the student body.

This could be either good news or bad news for me. I could move up in the order of who was cooler than who, or I could get my head stuck in a toilet. Who knows? I crossed my fingers behind my back hopefully.

No one acknowledged me, which was definitely odd. Usually someone would have shouted or pointed at me by now.

I looked around and saw all of the students turned in one direction (a/n: haha, see what I did there?). They all seemed to be looking at something.

After I deposited my books and things in my locker, I moved towards the crowd and tried to push my way through. Nobody even acknowledged me then. What was going on?

I started to hear voices raised, and I walked faster. I broke through the edge of the crowd and saw what was going on. My jaw dropped.

"Why would you do that, Allie?" Adam was shouting at his girlfriend. "You're so immature!"

"Me, immature?" she screeched in reply. "You're the one who cheated on me with Kendall! You only deserved it! Where is that bitch anyway? I need to teach her a lesson!"

"Leave Kendall out of this!" Adam said. "She didn't do anything."

"Stop lying to me!" Allie screamed at him, and I saw that her eyes were glassy. I winced. "What else have you been lying to me about? You lied about our relationship, you lied about Kendall.... I bet you lied about everything about you, especially your tiny dick!"

"Hey, that's enough!" another voice shouted, and a teacher pushed past me, glaring at the two. "Both of you, to the principal's office, now!" They ignored him.

"You're just a big liar," Allie whispered. "I never should have trusted you."

"Shut up, bitch," Adam scoffed.

"I said, that's enough!" the teacher said again. "Come with me!"

He grabbed their arms and Allie yelped like she was in pain. The teacher began to walk away before barking over his shoulder, "Off with you!" The students scattered. The three of them disappeared.

I stared after them in shock. What just happened there? Weren't Allie and Adam supposed to be dating? Obviously not anymore, as it seemed like Adam had been cheating on Allie with Kendall.

I frowned slightly. I'd never do that. Cheat, I mean. I'd never treat a girl like that. I would stay loyal to her. The only problem is I didn't have a girlfriend....

"Hey, guys!" an old familiar voice shouted. I flinched. Vince. Was he coming to get me again? But that's not what happened at all.

"Check this out!" Vince told his friends, and everyone charged outside to see what he was looking at. I followed more slowly and pressed my face against the glass window.

Everyone was surrounding Adam's nice red car. I caught a glimpse of the windows, and my eyes widened. They were doodled on with terrible words and pictures. On the windshield it read, "I like dicks" with a picture of a penis and a long strand of profanity. I looked away after that.

Allie did that? Impressive, but highly immature. And people still liked her? Why? Was it because she was pretty or she thought highly of herself? Was it because people feared her and saw her as an authority figure? Or was it because they were afraid Adam would beat them up if they insulted his ex-girlfriend?

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