1|| Ways to torture Avery||

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Autumn Love

©2013, Loveofreakmusic15

Published on Wattpad



Chapter One

Every season seems to have its own essence, but autumn was different for me. It was fascinating-how when autumn came all the leaves and flowers leave their home and fall below with the unknown awaiting for them. Yes, they'd die, but then still those last few moments, when they dangled in the midst of life and death-what did they think? If they do, that is. But if they really do-did they feel scared? Or did they just accept their fate and bid farewell to all the others? It was pretty fascinating how all the glow disappears when autumn comes but still the beauty remains. The brown-red colour that washed every tree I look at makes me feel excited but calm. There is something so different about this season that I can't put my finger on. It just seems vague to me that the leaves have to fall and then are replaced by new ones just to fall again. But this is life isn't it? We come to this place, we live, enjoy, dance, laugh, and then just like that it ends. But they say something better awaits us after we live this land-something serene. Someplace filled with love.


The best feeling as told. I am in love with the concept of love. The idea of finding that someone makes my heart beats faster. How would it feel to be in love? To be loved? This feeling has always left me breathless, all the romance, the butterflies in the stomach, all that I've seen in movies and read in books-it mesmerizes me. Never have I ever been in love, I'm waiting for a guy to sweep me off my feet. As cheesy as it sounds-it's true. My friends know that I'm a romance freak but what they don't know is that I'm hopelessly in love with love. And for some absurd reason, autumn reminds me of love. It's that red and brown that coats everything around me that makes everything, the ambience so much more...romantic?

I wrap my arms around myself as I stand near my window welcoming autumn with open arms.

"Avy? Kate's here." My five year old sister, Mia pulled at my dress. I looked down at her as she smiled her toothy grin which missed two teeth.

"Let's go, Mimi." I picked her bag and mine and trudged out of the house pulling her along.

"Look what the cat dragged in! Hey Mimi." Kate greeted Mia.

Katelyn Tyler, my best(est) friend ever. We have known each other since we were in kindergarden. The little her, had lent, the little me, her red crayon and that was enough to make us the best of friends. We were always together and some people also remarked that if we weren't so different looking we'd be assumed as twin sisters who were literally joined by the hip. Now that was just a joke but you get the memo. We were two different personalities-from looks to well...everything. She had short hair that reached just a little below her shoulders and were dirty blond in colour while I had long wavy hair that reached my hip and were dark brown. She had green eyes with flecks of brown whereas I had brown eyes. Her body was curvier than mine and more fit than I was since she'd done gymnastics since she was six and up until she turned twelve. I was a little taller than her though, about half an inch.

"Hey Kate, I knew you were here! I called Avy!" she beamed at Kate.

"Wow! You are such a good girl! Come on, now let's go before we're late." Kate buckled Mia in the back seat.

I was already seated and was fumbling with her radio, trying to find some song to suit my mood.

"Someone's in a good mood." Kate sang as the engine roared to life, literally. She had a truck, the old but still everyone's favourite kind of truck. She loved it like it was her own biological child.

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