3||Party's over. Or maybe not. Or maybe.||

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Autumn Love

©2014, Loveofreakmusic15

Published on Wattpad



Chapter Three

One of the meanings of the plural word 'Cops' is Police Officers.

If you know the meaning of the word, then you'd know, that by any chance, never, as in never under any circumstances- scream 'cops' in a party filled with drunken under age teenagers. It is bound to create utter chaos which includes- stampede that might lead to a series of accidental deaths, soda and alcohol being spilled in unnecessary and unwanted places and food being wasted.

I'd just like to add that wasting food is like way off limits, okay? I mean there were many delicious delicacies that I wanted to taste but the running kids around here were just ruining my fantasy of devouring each one. Yes, I'm a big foodie; kill me for it why don't you?

Coming back, I'd like to acknowledge the fact that I had done something either utterly stupid or something that I would be considered witty and cool for and I could be proud of my spontaneous actions then.

Hayden was currently watching me intently with his mouth agape while the unwanted people ran around and sought of ways to get out of the house. Too bad they never for once considered that the house must have a back or at least a front door. They were just too mainstream for that.

"What the hell? Where are the cops?! I don't see any cops!" Jacob came up behind me and I could make out that he was pretty annoyed that the party was over. One thing that I knew about Jacob was that he might be intimidating but he loved partying. Dancing like he was before--you can make out, I'm sure, that a guy that's accused of murder doesn't dances like a chicken for fun.

"There are no cops." Hayden finally spoke. My heart wasn't at ease, maybe because of the awfully weird thing that I had done just now. That wasn't me. I don't scream 'cops' at parties, I don't scream at all actually! (That's completely a lie.)

"I was the one that yelled the four letter word that shouldn't be said at parties." My face flushed. I let my head hang a little low so that my long hair could cover some of my face.

"You are a counterfeiter!" Brandon gasped behind me making me turn around to look at him.

Suddenly Kate burst out laughing like a drunken kangaroo and she was all over the place. "Cou-nCout-Counterf-Feiter!" she laughed. "Is that even a word?!"

"Unfortunately for you, yes it is." I answered grinning. She was in hysterics for absolutely no reason.

And then she shut up-just like that. "Oh." She said plainly.

"Why would you do that?" Brittany asked me. "We were having fun!"

"Hayden said he didn't want the party in the first place so I helped him out a bit. And come on, the way all the idiots ran out of the house-it was so funny." I snickered. And when no one joined in with me I blushed in embarrassment. But then a light laugh echoed behind me and when I turned around Hayden was leaning on the counter behind him.

"That was funny." He stated still smiling.

"See!" I exclaimed and then beamed at him like a five year old does when told they are right. Somehow my heart fell at ease knowing that what I did wasn't in the slightest bit wrong. Rather it was kind of funny.

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