13||Yes, I'm puking rainbows||

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Autumn Love


Published on Wattpad



Chapter Thirteen

The kiss played in my head a million times while I showered and dressed.

My lips were still sensitive to any touch because the ghost of Hayden's lips was always there. The feel of his lips on mine, his body hovering over mine, how his hands held my sides firmly.

The ghosts of his touch made me shiver. This was the first time that I was obsessing over a kiss so much. Even my first kiss wasn't as beautiful. In fact it wasn't in the least bit romantic. I was in school, fourteen, and a guy named Liam had kissed me for a dare! I'd gone home and cried. The kiss had been nice, unwanted, but nice nonetheless. But it was stolen. I would always regret my first kiss. But the kiss I'd shared with Hayden today was...beautiful.

I pushed my feet into my black and white high tops and brushed my wet hair to one side. Slipping my phone into my jean shorts' pocket, I walked outside the girls bathroom. Since we were living in tents, we had to go specially to bathe or freshen up to the bathrooms that were placed a little away from campsite.

"We're about to leave for the beach!" Kate hopped excitedly towards me as I rushed out of the bathroom. She'd come suddenly and had surprised me a little causing the stuff in my hand to fall to the floor. My towel and other toiletries fell to the floor and I cursed slightly as I bent to pick them up. Kate bent down and started helping me too. I was about to pick up the lone comb that had fell a little farther from the rest of the stuff when another hand beat mine to it.

I looked up, only to lock eyes with the person for whom I held conflicted emotions, as of now.

My hand hovered over Hayden's and my eyes remained locked to his. Surprisingly he kept staring back. His dark browns orbs now seemed a shade lighter in the sunlight, highlighting perfectly the golden flecks in them. I stopped breathing altogether as I gulped audibly. Hayden had managed to affect me more than any other guy.

Sorry, it was a mistake.

I cringed visibly as his words rung in my ears again.

Even though I'd decided to try and be normal about everything, looking at him made everything difficult. How do I act calm and collected when the boy interferes with my basic breathing mechanism!?

The sound of someone clearing their throat brought us to our senses and Hayden quickly picked up the comb, handed it over to me and left.

I watched his retreating back and then suddenly Kate's voice interrupted.

"Is something going on between the two of you?" She eyes me skeptically.

"No." I shrugged and adjusted the stuff in my arms.

"Oh, spill it!"

And so I did.

I told her about how recently I'd started getting attracted to Hayden and that when he'd defended me in front of my mother and then helped me out at the party, I'd very well decided that I liked him.

I told her about the short stare downs that we'd had and how I was obsessed with his eyes. I then told her about the bus ride and whatever had happened here. I told her everything before the kiss and then hesitated when I got to the part.

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