Chapter 22

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Autumn Love

©2015, Loveofreakmusic15

Published on Wattpad



Chapter Twenty Two

"Where the hell did the both of you disappear?" Brandon came running over to me and enveloped me into a tight hug.

But my hands stayed limp.

I had foolishly told Hayden I liked him and he'd shown me how that made him feel. Freaked out. He didn't feel the same. He never felt the same.

One after the other, my friends hugged me or Hayden. We were surrounded by people but I had never felt so alone. Never had I felt this sense of loss. I knew that I wouldn't look Hayden in the eye again. Mostly because this was a very...indirect and weird sort of rejection for me. And if I gave up, he'd make no extra efforts either. He'd hurt me before, he'd ignored me before. He could definitely do it again. And he would.

"I was worried about you!" Kate latched on to me as if she was trying to make us into one body. She hugged me tight and soon I found it suffocating.

"Kate..caa-can't bre-athe." I patted her back lightly before she released me.

Kayla, Lance and Brittany came after. Asking me questions that were all left unanswered because in this very moment--I couldn't decipher a single thing around me.

Blake and Jacob hugged me and somehow, as if they knew, they gave me sympathetic glances and then turned to glare at Hayden.

What was it that they knew?

I couldn't bring myself to look at Hayden. I couldn't believe myself. I had told him I liked him! Why? How? God, I was crazy!

I blindly followed the crowd to where the busses were. Apparently, we'd been gone about 6 hours and everyone had gone into a panic attack. Calls had been made and I could only hope that Aunt Eliza wouldn't kill me. I swear to God she would ground me for my entire life. We all were taken back to the camp site where we met our Principal who was not exactly happy with out little stunt.

"Both of you, get in the car and go back home. You are not only missing the rest of this trip, but you will also have to be in detention after school for the next three weeks." My school's principal scolded Hayden and I. I had to stop myself from stamping my foot in disapproval. I couldn't believe that this was happening. Not only did I embarrass myself in front of Hayden, but my last high school trip was now ruined because of my own stupidity. For a moment I felt guilty for ruining Hayden's trip too, but then I remembered that he was the one who ran after me. I didn't ask him to. And I was way too pissed, confused and broken to even think that this could be my fault. He hurt me, again and again. Every fucking time he kissed me, he made me feel as if I was special. Every time we talked or he helped me out--he made me feel as if I was different.

I wasn't.

Tears clogged my throat as I suppressed the urge to bawl like a baby. I was always such a crybaby. But these days it got on a whole new level. It was almost as if these days my tear ducts were working at their very best. I didn't even have to think of crying before all the tears were spilling out like Niagara Falls.

Fuck me and my over active tear ducts.

Now after the rest of the lecture from the other teachers and bidding goodbye to my friends, I went over to my tent and packed up all my things while trying my best to keep the tears from falling.

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