21||It wasn't the same||

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Autumn Love


Published on Wattpad



Chapter Twenty One

The air was really cold and I couldn't help but shiver every two seconds. It was awful enough that my knee, heart and head hurt and now this.

Never in a million years, did I ever imagine that something so...unrealistic would happen to me.

I mean--getting lost in a forest with the guy you really like? What were the odds?

The rain didn't seem to slow down and instead just got heavier which made it difficult for us to locate any safe haven. I just seriously did not understand how the rest of our friends never came to look or how we got so far away from them that it's taking so long for them to locate us.

Hayden and I kept walking because freezing to death in this downpour was not an option. He kept close to me so as to keep a hold on me. I slipped once or twice along the way but he was there. Always there to help me up. Yet he always put me down emotionally. Oh, the irony.

Another couple of minutes of seeing nothing familiar, my heart started shaking with fear. We were alone here, in this forest and it was raining badly. I couldn't understand how we'd get out of here. And where would we sleep? We couldn't stay out here in the rain so much.

I refused to voice any of my worries to Hayden because I knew he wouldn't care. So instead I just resorted to talking to myself and calming myself down. We didn't speak to each other but somehow the silence was not uncomfortable.

But then with every second that passed without us locating any shelter, fear took over. And finally by the end of a couple of minutes, I was literally shaking with fear. And right now, all I wanted was someone to tell me we'll be okay. Even if that means I have to talk to Hayden about it.


"Look! A cottage!"

Now, a part of me was really sceptic as to how exactly this stupid cottage came out of nowhere and in the middle of nowhere but I was much too happy and thankful to actually contemplate over it.

Sighing in relief I pushed myself forward and willed myself to forget the pain for a total of one minute. The cottage was close, very close. I could sit down and probably get saved from this rain for a while. But my klutz-iness, obviously, thought otherwise.

My foot again struck some object on the ground and I was propelled forward. I was half expecting and half wishing Hayden to get a grasp on me, and he fortunately did. He held me before I could fall and hurt myself even more than I was already. He set me up to my feet and as I was about to thank him, he spoke.

"You really need to watch where you're going. You'll hurt yourself." He muttered as he angrily swept a hand through his, now damp, hair.

"Well, I'm sorry. Now it isn't my fault that the stupid...thing came out of nowhere and tripped me."

"You should pay attention! What if you get hurt?!" He half yelled, angrily.

"Well, I'm sorry to be such a fucking liability, Hayden Kole!" I screamed in his face. This was frustrating. He could not care in silence too. Why does he have to make it prominent that he doesn't give two shits about me.

"Fuck! Forget it!" I suddenly realised that he was standing way too close to me because when he moved back, he took away the warmth he was offering.

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