19||He lured me in and then let me go||

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Autumn Love


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Chapter Nineteen

"Oh, Hayden! Please slow down!" Her Bitchiness had made it her number one mission to whine and crib while trekking so far.

Twenty minutes down the line, other than the hearty laughs of our fellow classmates and ours and the crunching of the leaves and twigs because of our feet--we'd all heard Jennifer whining like the bratty bitch that she was. I was tied between killing myself or killing her. The latter, I liked.

I'd realised today how quiet Hayden actually was. I mean, he barely said anything. Jennifer kept whining and groping him while he just remained nonchalant as ever. He was so quite yet still managed to be an amazing jerk. The guy sure as hell had some talent.

I tried my best to ignore the sharp stinging sensation every time Hayden helped out Jennifer.

I was here to have fun. I was not letting Hayden ruin that.

Surprisingly enough, every one was pissed at him because of Jennifer. He made no attempt to reason with anyone and so everyone just decided to back off. I was even more astonished that he was okay with the fact that two of his best friends were not talking to him. Blake and Jacob had been red with rage the day he'd said yes to Jennifer. They'd yelled at him but he'd just simply walked away. A part of me knew that this was all his stress talking but even for a person who's very tensed--he'd gone way too far. I don't know how he would ever be able to justify his mistake and whatever he was continuing to do. This trip, thanks to him, which was supposed to be fun was now kind of turning into a piece of crap.

For now, though, we all were trying to make the best of what we could. Blake, Kate and Lance were leading us while Kayla was walking beside me. Jacob and Brittany were taking their own time. We were last group and the one in front of us was awfully fast. This way, I think, getting lost was easy but we weren't caring as much. Hayden and Jennifer were way behind Jacob and Brittany and somehow the idea of them getting lost alone repulsed me.

I mean...what if they fell in love? This is what happens when you get lost alone with the opposite sex in a jungle, right? It was the basic cliche thing that we see in movies, read in books. Yes, the idea of them disappearing alone repulsed me.

I turned around to sneak a peek at Hayden but instead, I saw Jacob and Brittany, awfully close to each other. They were walking, but Jacob kept glancing at Brittany and his arm was enclosed around her waist. She wasn't having any trouble walking so I doubt the arm was around her waist for precautionary purposes.

Jacob and Brittany were two very different people. Brittany was extremely chirpy and talkative whereas Jacob was quieter. He preferred to talk only when he wished to. He wasn't constantly chirpy, only at parties or when all of us were alone was he extremely laid back. Brittany also loved trying new things whereas Jacob, like me, didn't like it as much. Yes, trying new things wasn't always bad but mostly we were not good with any sort of change. Also, Jacob was short tempered and often said things he didn't intend to whereas Brittany always had control of herself when it came to temper and talking.

Despite of all their differences, I could see it. See how much they cared for each other. Brittany was in love with him. I could see that clearly. I knew Jacob cared way more than he cared for anyone of us. They looked at each other as if their life depended on each other.

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