Chapter 2

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I'll do a little time jump so Ezra is going to show sooner in the story

Aria's POV

26th August. It's been a month without my best friend. I still miss her but I'm not crying when someone manages her name anymore. I don't cry myself into sleep every night like before. I just think about happy times that we've shared. School starts next week. I've always loved school. Especially English. I want to teach it one day just like my father. I still don't talk to him. Well only when mom is around. I don't even call him when I need a ride or something. I would rather walk for 3 house then be in the same car as he for 10 minutes

"Are you ready?" Mike asked as he walked in my room

"Let's go." I replied. Me and Mike made a deal that every Tuesday we will go for a walk. So that's what we do now. We walked out of the house. He had his hands in the pockets and I wrapped my arm around his. A lot of people thinks that were a couple when they see us walking like this

"It's been a month. How are you feeling?" Mike asked when we were far away from the house

"Better. I still miss her but I don't cry myself into sleep every night. So are you excited about school? I said trying to change the subject

"Actually I am. I will get to knew the new people. I will have new, let's hope, better friends." Mike replied. I'm not sure if this is really going ti happen. He doesn't speak Germain well like I do

"Yeah but don't connect to them too much. You will have to leave them in less than a year." I said and he gave me a smile. We continued walking and talking until we finally got home

"Dinner!" Dad yelled and we went and sat for the table

"Where's mom?" I asked because I didn't saw her

"She went out. She'll be back soon." Dad said giving me my plate with food

"So she didn't made dinner?" I asked just making sure

"No. I did." he said proudly. I just got up from the table

"Where are you going?" I heard my dad said but I ignored it and went in my room. I'll rather be hungry then risk my life. I just can't trust him when he do that to my mom. It's not just the fact that he cheated on my mom but the fact that he cheated her with his student? How could he?

Last week was pretty good. School started yesterday and I already have few friends. Kate, Katy and Sarah. They're all from the UK. Kate and Katy are twins and they came to live here with their grandparents because they are old so they can help them. Sarah's parents got divorced so she came here to live with her mom. I just hope my parents don't got divorce. It would kill Mike. So I started to hang out with them like the second I found out that they speak English. They're not so popular but people know about them. But there is this popular boy. Daniel. He's so hot. I just found a new crush. But I'm not planing anything with him. He's probably here what Noel was in Rosewood. Perfect body. That's all. But it would be nice to see his perfect body. Okay Aria stop. Don't think like that. He's like Noel. You will soon get over him. Noel. My ex boyfriend. I had a huge crush on him and we started dating. Everything was like a dream but that dream lasted for about 2 weeks. After that he started to disgust me. When you meet him like a person he's so selfish and everything has to be about him. I didn't like him anymore and Iceland was a good excuse to break up with him

Mike didn't like this school so much. Just like I thought. He doesn't understand them so well so he hate it but he'll be okay. He'll find new friends soon

It was Thursday. 4th day of school and I knew that I'm going to be late but I needed some caffeine so I went in this café. I used coffee to go and on my way out I bumped with someone what made my coffee to spill all over the man

"I'm so sorry I didn't m..." I started talking as I used some tissues from my purse to clean the floor and mans shoes

"It's okay. It's my fault." The man interrupted me. I looked up and met his beautiful blue eyes. He had so beautiful eyes that I just couldn't stop looking into them. I got a weird feeling in my stomach. Maybe this feeling are butterflies like people like to call it

"You speak English?" I asked confused after what seemed like hours. Just like time stopped wheb we made eye contact. The man nod his head

"May I buy you another coffee?" he asked with a smile. Oh God he have this perfect boyish smile

"Maybe next time. I'm in a hurry now." I replied but I couldn't stop to look in this beautiful eyes

"You better go then." he said making space for me so I can walk past him. I hurried in school so I was late only 5 minutes. The teacher let me in and said 'I'm glad you could make it' just on German. I don't get why but it's okay. I still had the picture of beautiful pair of eyes I met this morning. I can't wait for that coffee. But wait how will he find me? We don't know anything about each other. Who even was that boy?

Time passed really fast and it was lunch time already. I met with Kate, Katy and Sarah and they talked about something but I didn't even bother ti hear them. I just worried how will he find me? Or will he find me?

"Did you heard what I just said?" Kate asked

"Umm... Sorry what?" I asked all confused

"Daniel is going to ask the new girl out. I think that's you." Kate said

"Hmm... Sorry but who's Daniel?" I asked and they were all confused and so did I

"The hottest guy in school. The one you had a huge crush on. The one you would blush if he looked at you. The one that....."

"Okay, okay I get it but I'm not interested. If that's me then he don't have any luck." I interrupted Sarah. They were looking at me like they've seen a ghost

"What?" I asked

"No one refused him before. Every girl wants to be with him." Sarah said

"Well not EVERY girl. I mean he's not that hot."

"What happened to you?" Katy asked

"What? I had a crush on him before but now I like someone else. Someone I can't stop thinking about." I said with huge smile on my face. My thoughts went beck to the beautiful blue eyes I saw this morning. And that boyish smile. I'm melting inside

"It's not just that. You were late this morning too." Sarah said

"I over slept. Just like I said before." I said and they nod

"If you say so." Kate said and the rest of the day was amazing. I was with Kate and Katy. But just with my body. My spirit was looking for a blue eyed boy from this morning and with my thoughts I was lost in the same beautiful blue eyes

I hope you all liked it. In who did Aria bumped? Was it Ezra or just some random boy that she'll never see again? Were those eyes Ezra's or will she meet Ezra while looking for those blue eyes?

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