Chapter 17

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Aria's POV

I haven't talked or seen Ezra for the past 3 days. I still don't believe what he did. He lied to me. Mike was right. But I talked with Scotty a lot these past 3 days. He said that there is a chance that he really did changed. That something happened to him before year and a half. But it's something that he can't tell me. That I'll have to ask Ezra about it

"Aria are you listening to me?" Sarah asked

"No. I just think about what Scotty said. I mean what so bad could happened to change the person so much." I said. Yes I told them about Ezra and I

"You won't find out just thinking. If you want to know you have to talk him." Sarah said

"But I told him that I don't want to see him ever again." I said and the bell rang. Lunch time was over

"He knows that you were mad when you said that. That you didn't mean it. Just go and talk to him." Sarah said and the class began

Maybe she's right. All I have to do is go and talk to him. I need some answers and I don't want to end it on the bad terms. Wait. Are we over? Do I really wanna break up with him? Did I already broke up with him? I need to go and talk to him about everything. School ended and I started my long walk to Ezra's apartment. 5 minutes with car but an hour of walking if you wanna do math. I walked and walked thinking about what to say to him. I think I know what will I say but I really wanna know what happened so he changed as much as he says he is. I came in front of his apartment. I waited few minutes before I got courage to knock. I knocked and the shirtless Ezra opened the door

"Aria? What are you doing here?" He asked confused

"Hi. I came to talk to you." I said but I heard girls voice from inside "Baby who is on the door?" The girl wrapped in a towel came behind Ezra "But I see there's nothing to talk about." I said as I turned to walk away but Ezra grabbed my hand

"It's not what you think it is." Ezra said

"Oh I think it's exactly what I think." I said but Ezra didn't let me go

"It isn't. Just listen to me." Ezra said and I looked in him

"She's my cousin. She came for a visit last night and she stayed the night." Ezra said

"Then why did she called you baby?" I asked being ready to catch him in a lie

"Because she's 2 days older than me. So when we were little I was the one who was the baby all the time." Ezra said and I nod. That's good explanation and it can be true because I call Mike baby all the time

"Can you please come in? I really wanna talk to you. About everything." Ezra said. He was still holding me for my hand. I nod and we went in. That girl was dressed by now. They said bye to each other and she left with suitcase. I guess that was true too

"When you came here you said you wanted to talk so what do you want to talk about?" Ezra asked after he gave me a glass of my favorite strawberry juice

"Scotty said that there is a chance that you really did changed. That something happened to you before about year and a half and that he can't tell me. That I have to ask you. So what happened to change you so much that you want a relationship and not one night stand?" I asked and he looked away then back into me

"I want to be honest with you so I'll start from the begging. When I was 17 I was a nerd but I wanted to be cool. You know popular. So I started to hang out with popular kids. But with popular and cool kids you need to do stuff that they do. What meant every week another party. So I started to go on party's but they didn't satisfied with that. So I started to drink alcohol to be more cool. Next few party's were only alcohol but after some time I turned 18. Alcohol wasn't enough. They wanted something more so I started to sleep with the girls. At first it was one in few months but after it came one in a month and when I was 21 it was one in a week. That went on for about 2 monts. It was one party and I got drunk. Like really drunk and I slept with a girl. We were both so much drunk that we didn't use protection. After I understood what I did I started to sleep with less girls and drink less alcohol. So after few months I found out that that girl ended up pregnant and that my mom paid her to do abortion and she did. I couldn't believe that my mom would do that but when I asked her she admitted. And then I realized that I was supposed to have a kid. A really kid and I'm supposed to be father. When that came to my mind I promised myself that I will never do something like that to a girl. That I'm going to change and I did. I'm different now. And I think that's what Scotty was talking about but no one knows about that except Hardy and now you. I didn't know he new about it. But I am different now. I can promise you that. And when I said I love you in that fight I mean it. I was going to tell you that earlier but you said that you don't want to rush things so I didn't. You're the first girl I ever said that. And I mean it. I love you Aria." Ezra said and this story can't be imagined. It has to be true

"I'm really sorry Ezra. About the baby. I didn't know. But now I know and I believe that you've changed. That you're different but I don't think that this will work. Us." I said and Ezra's eyes filled with tears because of the story filled with tears even more. But he didn't let any of it go down his face.

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