Chapter 11

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Aria's POV

I woke up as I heard the ringing phone. I reached on my nightstand to remember that I don't have a phone. I looked at the clock. 2am. People really don't know when to call. Normal people usually sleep at this time. But who's phone was ringing? I decided to go and follow the sound. It brought me to my coat. Oh God did I use the wrong coat at the café? This can't be happening. I used the phone. Unknown number was calling. Should I pick up? No. It's not my phone. The phone kept ringing and I couldn't listen to it anymore

(A-Aria U-Unknown)

A; Hello?
U; Hey girl.
A; Who is this?
U; It's me. Don't you recognize my voice.
A; No. I'm sorry. Is it someone important?
U; I thought it was.
A; Maybe it is. For someone else. Not me.
U; I thought I was important to you.
A; Look this is not who you think it is.
U; Are you sure? I would recognize your voice everywhere.
A; I'm sure that this is not the person you want to talk to.
U; Is this Aria Montgomery?
A; Yes.
U; Then this is the person I want to talk to.
A; Okay but how did you know I had this phone?
U; Because I put it in your coat. But that's not important now.
A; Yeah it kinda is. Why the hell did you going through my coat?
U; I didn't go through your coat. I just put the phone there.
A; Why did you put the phone in my coat when I don't even know who you are?
U; You know who I am.
A; Look you found the wrong person to mess with.
U; I'm not messing with you. I'm just... I miss you... princess.
A; Ezra? Is this you?
U; Yeah it's me. I still can't believe that you didn't recognized my voice.
A; Well you are the one calling in 2am. I can't recognize my own voice especially not someone else's.
U; It's okay. I had fun.
A; I didn't. I thought I stole someone's coat. And yes you are important to me and I miss you too.
U; I'm glad to know that. I'm sorry I woke you up.
A; It's okay but why are you calling this early?
U; I was scared to call you before. I didn't want your parents to take this phone from you too.
A; Smart move. But you have to go to sleep. You have collage tomorrow.
U; I would rather spend the night talking to you...
A; I know. But you need to rest. Bye.
U; Wait. Before you hang up. Do you know how to sneak out from your house? Or the way of sneaking in?
A; No. But I'll try to find the way out as soon as I can.
U; Great. Can't wait to see you.
A; Good night.

I ended the call. 'I can't believe that he really did this. He's smart. I would never think of doing something like this. If he didn't call me 'princess' I would never figure out that this was him. He's such a cutie. I love when he calls me princess. I feel like a real princess next to him. But now I have to find the way out of here. I own him that much. And I can't wait to see him too. I want to kiss his soft lips and I want to bury my head in his chest to listen to his heart beat. To feel his arms around me and his warm breath when he's whispering something. And I have to stop imagining this and find the way out so I can be with him. In his strong arms while I'm wearing his shirt. Wait. I am wearing his shirt. But I'm not in his arms. Okay Aria, concentrate. You have to find the way out if you want to do all of the things that you want. And before that you need to get some sleep.' I thought as I went back in bed

"Look someone is up." Mom said when I walked downstairs

"What do you mean?" I asked and she pointed in the clock. 11;24am. "Oh God." I whispered as I sat for the table

"So what kept you up so long? You said you're going to sleep in 8pm." Mom asked as I smiled

"Yeah I know. But stupid Ez... Ezekiel woke me up." God I need to me more careful

"Ezekiel?" Dad asked. Yeah I pick out the weird name. But it's the first name I could think of so fast

"Yeah Ezekiel. That's... Pookie's new friend... They woke me up because they... They wanted me to meet Ezekiel." I said and they watched me confused. I gave a weak smile

"Are you sure that has happened?" Dad asked

"Yeah I'm pretty sure."

"So that's who you were talking to? I heard you and it didn't sound like that. It actually sounded like you were on the phone with someone." Mom said. Did she heard my conversation with Ezra? If she did she knows I'm lying.

"Well... I was talking with toys. They can't reply to me. That's probably why it sounded like phone call. And plus you guys have my phone. I can't leave the house and if I could leave the house I don't have money for a new phone." I said and they shut

"So now I have few questions for you." I said and they looked at each other like they were keeping something

"In who's room I'm staying? I mean dad used to be here all the time when he was a kid." I said

"That's right. I used to be here every spring and winter break. You are staying in uncle Scott's room and Mike is staying in mine. Why do you ask this?" Dad asked and I was surprised that he even told me the answer. I guess he's not so mad at me anymore

"Just wondering." I reply as I used something to eat and went back in my room. I used the phone as I dialed uncle Scott's number

A; Hey uncle Scotty. It's Aria.
S; Hey Aria. How are you?
A; Not so good. I'm in some kind of a trouble and I need your help.

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