Chapter 37

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Aria's POV

I heard my alarm clock. God why valentines day had to be on Thursday? I turned my alarm off. I slowly got up from the bed. I saw mine and Ezra's clothes on the floor. Last night was amazing. I went on the other side if the bed and got on the top of Ezra

"Wake up babe." I whispered in his ear. He turned his head on the side. I kissed his cheek

"Wake up handsome." I said and he opened his eyes. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me

"This reminds me of something." Ezra said and I smiled

"Oh Really? Of what?" I asked

"Last night. You were standing like this but then I did something like this." Ezra said and turned us around so now he was on top of me

"I would love to stay here and play with you but I have school." I said and kissed his lips. He moved from me and I got up. I used my clothes and went to take a shower. Before I was done Ezra ordered some room service so I had breakfast waiting for me. Ezra wrapped his hands around me when I walked out

"You know how much I love you and want to be in your arms but you'll have to let me go now so you can take a shower while I eat breakfast so I won't be late for school." I said

"Or you can be in my arms while you eat and I can take a shower later." Ezra said and I kissed his lips

"I like the idea but I have to say no. After last night you need that shower." I said and Ezra let go of me and went towards the bathroom

"Yeah one more thing.." I said and Ezra turned to face me "Next time you're planing to leave hickey leave it on the back of my neck so I can cover it with my hair." I said and he nod

"So how did you two spend your valentines day?" Kate asked on the lunch time in school

"Nothing special." I replied and Kate looked in Sarah

"I wouldn't say nothing special. You know that we can see that hickey on your neck." Sarah said and now I understood what was going on. Kate is afraid to talk to me

"Okay we did stuff but I don't want talk about that." I said

"Come on. Why not? Was it your first time? Did you like it?..." Sarah started to ask questions

"Because my sex life is none of your business." I said little lauder as I got up and left. Ezra came after me

"Hey." He said and sat on the bench next to me

"Hi." I replied

"What happened in there?" He asked and Kate came here

"Are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine. You can go back in." I said and Kate looked in Ezra

"Okay this is annoying." I said and they both looked in me

"What?" Kate asked

"What? Are you serious? For the past month you can't look me in the eyes and ask me a question. You're avoiding to ask me anything except 'how are you?' I'm tired of it. Why couldn't you ask me about last night? Why you needed to look at Sarah to ask me? I don't understand. I really don't. Are you afraid to talk to me?" I yelled at Kate

"If you really wanna know I am. I'm afraid to ask you anything because I don't want you to survive what you did last month. In that moment it was only hard for you. It was hard for me too because I needed to see you like that and I don't want you to survive that again. At least not because of me." Kate said

"Well it's not my fault you saw me like that..."

"Like what? What is going on?" Sarah asked as she came

"Aria's sick." Kate replied before I could say anything. Tears build in my eyes

"Thank you. After I begged you to not tell anyone you do this." I said and got up from the bench

"Aria I'm so..."

"I don't care! You know what? Go and tell everything to everyone because all I see here is that everyone is interested in my life and not in their own because everyone thinks I have a great life! But you would be surprised if you could see how much your life is better than mine." I said as I runned away.

Ezra's POV

"What did I do?" Kate asked after Aria runned away

"You shouldn't have said anything. Look I understand that is hard for you to keep a secret especially to your best friends but Aria... She believed you. And you saw how hard is to make Aria believe you." I said

"Is she going to hav..."

"No. Not this time but I'm not so sure that she'll forgive you so easily. I mean do you have anything that no one of us knows about?" I asked and she nod

"Well how would you feel is someone finds out and tell other people after you asked them not to?" I added

"Bad. Sad. Disappointed. Angry..." Kate started

"Now you know how she feels." I interrupted her

"Okay you two. Something happened between the 3 of you and you're keeping it a secret from us." Sarah said

"Not anymore. I made a mistake and told you what was going on." Kate said

"So Aria really is sick?" Sarah asked. Kate nod her head

"What do you mean by Aria is sick? She seems normal." Katy asked

"She has..." Kate started and looked in me

"It's not my decision to make. Just when you make it think about other people too. How would they feel? Put your self on her spot and decide. Now I have to go and find Aria." I said and walked away.

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