Chapter 8

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Aria's POV

I ate the delicious macaroni and cheese that Ezra gave me. I thought really hard about us. I looked from every possible corner what could happen to us. I think I decided what I want. I just have to tell Ezra and see his reaction. I used the plate and went to tell Ezra the answer. I walked out of the bedroom as I saw that all the lights were off. I looked through the window to see it was dark. I looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. 10;34pm. Maybe I thought about us longer that I planed to. I put my plate on the table next to Ezra's. His plate was clean. He probably couldn't eat. I saw the TV in the living room was on. So I went to turn it off as I saw Ezra sleeping on the couch. He looked so cute. I hope he's not mad at me because of waiting this long. I took the blanket and covered him. I kissed his cheek. Then he started to laugh. I probably woke him up

"I'm sorry I woke you. Ezra I know what I want." I said but didn't get a reply

"Ezra?" I asked and nothing. I looked in his eyes and they were closed. I probably just imagined that he laughed. I could use some sleep too. I thought as I went back into his bedroom to sleep

"Morning." I herd Ezra's voice behind me

"Morning." I reply as I put the plate with pancakes in front of Ezra

"Ezra,... I'm really sorry for waiting this long but I decided what I want." I said after some time of silence. He stopped to eat and waited for me to continue. So I did "We can be together but there's one condition... Everyone can know about us except two people. My parents." I said and a smile appeared on his face. The smile I didn't saw in so long. The smile that melted my heart once more

"So you'll be my girlfriend?" Ezra asked with the huge smile on his face. I used his hands in mine

"Yes." I said and he got up from his chair and came to me. He used my face in his hands as I felt his soft lips pressed against mine. I kissed him back and we pulled away. We both had a huge smile on our face

"So... Did you heard me last night when I covered you?" I asked as he shook his head as no

"Why are you asking?"

"Because I thought I heard you laugh but I guess it was just my mind playing with me." I said and he started to laugh

"It wasn't your mind playing with you. Sometimes I laugh in my sleep." Ezra said and I couldn't believe

"Shout up. It's not true." I said

"I'm afraid it is. It happened before too." Ezra said and we started talking and laughing and everything was just like I planed it to be. Until Ezra asked one question

"When are you going to talk to your parents?"

"I don't know. Maybe you could drop me off tomorrow before you go to collage?" I asked

"Of course. Now what do you say about some black and white movie my beautiful girlfriend?" Ezra said in his charmed voice what make me blush. He held his hand out as I gladly accepted it

"Sounds great my handsome boyfriend." I said as we went to watch black and white movie. Our favorite. I think I made the right decision. But I'm still afraid of my dad. If he finds out he'll kill both of us for sure. And I'm not even going to think in how much trouble I'm going to be because I'm not answering my phone for 3 days. Tomorrow will be hard day for me

Ezra's POV

Aria and I were cuddling on the couch watching black and white movies. She was finally mine. If I can even say finally because we know each other for few days but she's mine. She's my beautiful girlfriend and, as she says, I'm hers handsome boyfriend. I like that nickname. Not telling her parents about us it's okay with me. I understand that there's an age difference and her parents won't understand just like a lot of people. But I wanna try. We wanna try. Aria's is going home tomorrow and I don't know what will happen. She told me about that fight and Alison and that boy. She didn't want to tell me his name. I guess she knew that I would go and beat his ass. She showed me her blue wrist that hurts her. She's a very brave and strong girl. She has been through a lot. A lot of girls would start to cut their self. But not Aria. I'm really happy that I can be here for her. That maybe on some way I can help her. Like she can talk to me about anything and I won't judge her. I'll try and understand everything. I'll give my best to help her. I want to have her in my life and I don't want to let her go. I know it's early to say things like this but that's how I feel. I'm afraid that I will lose her before I knew it. I don't want that. I hope she sees it. I kissed the top of her head and she looked in me. She smiled and I did too. I'm sure that I have the strong feelings for this girl.

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