Chapter 10

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Aria's POV

"...And that's how we got together." I said as I looked in Ezra and he smiled

"I'll be right back." Ezra said. We kissed and he left

"Aria are you sure you want this? With him?" Mike asked

"Yes. I'm sure. Why?" I reply

"Because he can be your dad and it's gross to see you two kissing." Mike said and I was in shock

"He's not that much older than me and I thought you would be happy for me." I said a little disappointed

"Maybe I would be happy for you if you would date some your own age and not some pedophile grandpa." Mike said and this really hurt me

"I'm not going to let you talk about him like this. And if he's a little older doesn't mean he's a pedophile. So stop saying stupid things like this." I said and Ezra came back

"Hey. What are you two talking about?" Ezra asked

"Just how we need to get home or both of us won't be able to leave the house for the rest of our lives." Mike said pretending that nothing happened

"Oh I though you guys could stay a little longer." Ezra said looking in me

"No we can't. But you can come with us and walk me home like a real gentleman." I said to Ezra and he started to laugh

"Of course my princess." Ezra said and we got up and walked out. Ezra and I hold hands and Mike was separate like he wasn't with us. I really don't care about him. I mean how could he say things like that about Ezra and he don't even know him

"I'm really tired. Can we stay here for few minutes?" I asked and Mike nod. The tree of us sat on the bench. Well they two sit on the bench. I was in Ezra's lap.

"What's wrong?" Ezra whispered in my ear. I guess he noticed that something was up between me and Mike. We haven't spoke since we left the café

"Nothing." I whispered back

"And now the truth." Ezra said as I smiled

"I'll tell you next time. When there's no Mike." I whispered and he pressed his lips on mine

"Okay." He said after I kissed him back

"Can we please go now? I want to be home on the time." Mike said showing the time on his phone. 7;38pm it said. We have to be home by 8pm I guess. We got up and continued walking. I really enjoyed this walk. It was like Ezra and I were alone. Mike did interrupted some moments and ruined my evening a little but I'm still not over that fight. I still can't believe what he said about Ezra

"My house is around the corner so here will be fine." I said as Ezra and I stopped and looked at each other eyes

"If that's what you want then I'll leave you here." Ezra said and I hit his arm a little

"You know that's not what I want so don't play smart." I said and he started to laugh. He put his hands on my cheeks and I put my hands on his. He kissed me softly. God how I love those sweet lips on mine they taste so good

"Bye princess." Ezra said and I blushed. He already started with those cute nicknames

"Bye." I said as we shared our last kiss for now and he left

"Bye princess." Mike said moving his mouth like he was kissing someone

"Okay stop already. What is wrong with you?" I asked now really pissed off

"Aria how can't you see that he's manipulating you. I know guys like this. He will just use you and he'll just trow you in a dumpster like you are bag of trash. Just stop all of this before he do something like that." Mike said almost yelling

"So what you're trying to say is that you know him better than I do. You that talked two words with him knows him better than I do that spend days with him?" I questioned

"Yes. I am a guy and I know what would I do. And how are you so sure that he's not meeting with some other girl now?"

"Maybe you would do that but Ezra would never do something like that. And no I'm not breaking up with him just because you're jealous and you're assuming that he's like that because he isn't. Just because you can't judge the book by their cover doesn't mean that you can do that with people. First meet him and then talk about him because you know nothing about him. Nothing at all." I yelled

"I'm not telling you to break up with him I'm just telling you what he might do. And what if you sleep with him and he got you pregnant?"

"That will be my problem. Not yours. And now stay away from him and stop talking shits about him because you'll have problems with me." I said

"Okay but then don't come to me crying when he does something like that. I warned you."

"I won't. Don't worry about that and just for you to know I warned you two. And don't you dare to say something to mom and dad because I know more about you than you think I do." I said and I walked into the house

"Just on time. Dinner's ready. How was your walk?" Mom said when we entered the house

"It was good. Thanks for letting us go." I said and mom smiled

"So Mike did Aria met there with some of her friends and she used you as an alibi?" Dad asked and I looked into Mike

"No. She didn't. It was just the two of us." Mike said and I nod

"I'm not hungry. I'm gonna be in my room if you need me." I said and I winked to Mike. He knows that there's no messing up with me. That if we two have a fight I was always the winning one.

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